Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Alissa's Ouchy - March 22, 2005

Tuesday - March 22nd
We babysat Shayden today.  Alissa and Shayden were upstairs playing in her bedroom.  Alissa climbed up on the rocking chair and tried to jump off of it.  Since the chair rocks, it took her feet back when she tried to jump and she ended up falling face first into the crib.  Here are the pictures I took of her ouchy.  Then I took some pictures of Parker and Shayden.

Sunday, March 6, 2005

I'm Pregnant! - March 6, 2005

Sunday - March 6th
Surprise!!!  I'm Pregnant!!  I'm in the 7th week of my pregnancy.  We found out last week.  I'm so happy and excited!  

About 2 weeks ago, we all got sick.  I was really sick and Roger was too.  Roger's mom came and took care of us.  Alissa and Parker had colds, Roger was throwing up, and I had a fever, sore throat, stuffy nose, and headache.  It was miserable.

I sang in Relief Society on Wednesday night.  I had been practicing my song for one and a half months.  I was so afraid that I wouldn't get my voice back in time, but I did.  My voice was a little bit deeper, because I was still congested, but I think I did okay anyway.

The first day that I was sick, I noticed that Parker didn't seem like he was getting enough to eat.  I kept nursing him, but he still didn't seem satisfied.  I was so sick that I had a hard time getting up to fix and food.  Alissa fed herself.  She ate pickles and marshmallows mateys cereal.  She shared with Parker, so I didn't feel too bad.  I knew they were at least getting some food.  When Roger got home, he thought that Parker was acting hungry.  He also thought that Parker wasn't getting enough to eat.  I figured that maybe because I was sick, my milk didn't taste the same or I wasn't producing enough.  So, we offered Parker a bottle and he loved it.  He drank it so fast.  We knew that he hadn't been getting enough food from me.  We just figured that it was because of the sickness that I wasn't producing enough milk.  So, basically, Parker stopped nursing that week.
When I started feeling better, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive.  Roger and I were very surprised.  We thought that I couldn't get pregnant while I was nursing.  

I'm really excited to have another child!  I'm just not excited about being pregnant.  I don't love the way my body feels when I'm pregnant.  I really hope my body can handle another C-section so soon.  Parker and this next child will be a year and 5 months apart in age.  I'm glad that they are close in age.  They will have a lot of fun growing up together.  I had a little vision when I found out I was pregnant.  I was rocking in the rocking chair with Parker and letting the fact that I'm pregnant soak in.  And in my mind, I saw a little girl and she could not wait to come to earth.  So, I really think that this one is a girl.  I can hardly wait to find out.  I'm so excited to have a new addition to our family!  The due date is October 21, 2005 (my birthday!).  My first doctors appointment is on Wednesday.  I feel nauseated a lot.  I don't love morning sickness.