Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Stinker Dog - September 27, 2016

Tuesday - September 27th

Forest is such a cute puppy, but he is also a really big stinker.  Today he figured out how to get the bottom part of the refrigerator off.  I kept putting it back and he kept pulling it off.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Picking Pears - September 26, 2016

Monday - September 26th

It's it time to learn all about canning pears.  I've been looking online and printing up recipes.  I plan to make a lot of pear sauce.  The pear tree was really full of pears.  Our plan to pick them all was to have Roger climb the tree with his hockey helmet on and shake it really hard.  We tried to lay some blankets around the base of the tree to catch as many pears as possible.  We got a lot of pears, but we also lost a lot of pears.  I have a lot of work coming my way.  Parker and Brinley helped me pick up all the pears.  We filled a large box and 2 laundry baskets with pears.  We put them in the coolest part of the basement.  Now we get to wait a few days for them to rippen.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Mommy Alone Time - September 25, 2016

Sunday - September 25th

I had a really bad day yesterday.  I have been so stressed out with homeschooling, canning the fruit from our fruit trees, and trying to do everything else that I regularly do.  On Friday night, I reached my breaking point.  I couldn't handle it anymore.  I put the kids to bed and pretty much ended up crying myself to sleep.  I was still really fussy, sad, depressed, and overwhelmed yesterday.  The kids asked me what was for breakfast and I told them that they were on their own.  I was tired of all the fighting I hear from Parker and Brinley each day and all the complaining I hear from all of the kiddos.  The biggest complaints are that there is nothing to eat, I never make anything good, and whenever Brinley doesn't have friends over she complains that she hates her life and she has the worst life ever.  It all just gets to be too much.  When you spend so much time working to keep everybody happy and you feel like they are never satisfied and happy, it's exhausting and frustrating.  Then I was frustrated with myself, because Roger is losing weight and I am just getting fatter.  I just was starting to feel like a big fat failure.  It is horrible to feel that way.  Anyway, I pretty much locked myself downstairs and scrapbooked all morning.  Then when Roger woke up, I went up to talk to him and burst into tears.  I had a really good cry.  He spent a lot of time trying to cheer me up and remind me that I am great.  I'm very thankful that he is so kind and so patient with me.  I cried for a while, then spent more time scrapbooking, while Roger took Parker and Alissa ice skating and Brinley played with her friends.  When Roger got home, we went to buy some ice cream and stayed up late finishing watching the first season of 'Stranger Things'.   By the end of the day, I was feeling much better.
I woke up feeling much happier this morning.  Roger took the kids to Salt Lake today to go to Dan's son, Benji's birthday party.  So, I have the day to myself to recover and scrapbook.  I'm loving that.  Roger asked me to send him some pictures of the outside of the house.  I assume he was talking with someone and wanted to show them what our house looks like.

 It's easier to relax when the house is clean, so I had to wash the dishes before I could really enjoy my relaxing time.  Forest was such a stinker while I was trying to get the dishes done.  I couldn't keep him off of the dishwasher.  It was frustrating, but he looked so cute, so I took some pictures.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

More Hats - September 21, 2016

Wednesday - September 21st

I made a cute unicorn hat.  Brinley is getting really tired of being my hat model, but she puts up with it.

 We love our Forest puppy doggy.  He is so cute and so much fun.

 I don't love this candy corn hat, but everybody else seems to really like it.  I think I would rather have just made the hat round and normal on top instead of in a point.  I think it would have been cuter that way.

 I started working on this bunny hat for Easter back in the spring time.  I ran out of pink while I was working on it.  I finally got more pink and got a chance to finish it.  I love how it turned out.  It is super cute.

 Parker wanted a Minecraft hat.  I couldn't find any that I liked, so I got creative and came up with this hat.  I used a bucket to make it square.  Parker loves it, but he didn't want me to sell these.  He wants his to be the only one.  I like that idea, because, if too many people order them, I might have a hard time getting enough buckets to make them all.