Monday, November 17, 2008

Chicken Soup for the Soul Day

I took more pictures this week. I love taking pictures of my children. They are so cute! Last monday I remembered that I was going to take more pictures about a half an hour before i put the kids to bed. They were all just doing their own thing. Brinley was in the kitchen playing with a pretend camera. She let me take her picture then I had to pose while she took my picture.Parker was driving a toy car around on the kitchen counter.
And Alissa was in the living room coloring.
On Tuesday I decided that I would hurry out when Parker's bus dropped him off and I would take his picure while he was coming off the bus. Brinley is sitting on the couch and helping me watch for Parker's bus to come.
Here he is! He loves his preschool and he really loves riding the bus. I used to walk with him out to the bus in the morning (they come to our house and pull in the driveway), but Parker informed me last week that he doesn't need me to walk to the bus with him anymore because he is big and can do it himself.
I learned about a website that tells you of all the holidays ( There is a holiday on almost everyday of the year. I thought that it would be fun for my scrapbooking if we celebrated some of these holidays. November 12th was Chicken Soup for the Soul Day. I didn't have time to make homemade chicken soup, so we ate ramen noodle soup. I took a lot of pictures of the kids eating their soup so I could make some fun scrapbooking pages of us celebrating the holiday.
Brinley looks silly in this picture. I love it!

I rearranged the furniture in the living room on saturday. The
kids found their bounce house while I was moving things around and they couldn't wait for me to set it up. The kids love this bounce house. Money was really tight for Christmas last year so we weren't able to have a very big christmas. I was feeling sad because I hadn't been able to afford anything that I felt was a big gift. They had a lot of small gifts and that was good, but I really wanted to get them something big. About a week or so before Christmas, I got a letter in the mail with $50.00 in it. I do not know who sent it. I was so happy to have a little more money to spend on the kids' Christmas. I thanked Heavenly Father and asked him to help me find some good deals (I know it was a silly thing to pray for). I went to the store the day that I got the money. I do most of my Christmas shopping in Brigham City, Logan, or Ogden. To save money, I decided to shop in town. I went to a store that I had heard about from a friend (It is a small store and I never really noticed it before). I went to the toy department and that is where I found this bounce house. It was on sale for 50% off the original price of $100.00! It was $50.00! I was so excited! I had day dreamed about getting a bounce house for the kids, but I knew I could never afford it. This is a small bounce house, but it is just right for my children. They love it!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mopping The Kitchen Floor

The kitchen floor really needed to be mopped. We do not have a very good mop. It cost to much money to replace the top and it gets dirty way too fast. I don't like to mop. It is my least favorite job. Because of the bad mop and how badly I dislike mopping, I did not mop for a long time. So the floor was disgusting! So on Saturday the kids and I mopped the floor together. We used buckets and rags and got down on our hands and knees and mopped the floor. The kids had a lot of fun. Brinley and Parker got the floor and themselves really wet. Alissa was really good at squeezing the water off of the rag so she did not get water everywhere. I took these pictures of the kids when we finished. Their socks where really wet so I told them to skate across the floor with the socks to finish the mopping job. They really loved that!
Brinley's shirt was to wet so she took it off.
Alissa was jumping up to scare Parker when I took this picture.
I love this picture of the kids. I just wish Brinley was wearing a shirt and Parker was wearing pants.
I love Parker's smile.

I took this picture of the kids today. They were playing with some of the playdough they got while they were trick or treating. Alissa shaped the playdough into letters. She wanted to spell Parker's name but she did not have enough playdough.

I realized today that I don't take as many pictures of the kids as I used to. I'm going to work on that. The kids are really enjoying my new job. They love it when they get to come to work with me. I don't take them with all of the time. On the days that I have to go to work before Alissa gets home from school, I don't take the kids. If Alissa can't come , I feel bad taking the other two and leaving her at home with out them.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Last year I decided that it would be a lot more fun to make their Halloween costumes, because the ones at the store are pretty flimsy and I thought it would be special if they were homemade. Last year I did not have a job. I think making the costumes was a good idea for last year, but this year it was hard. The reason that it was hard is that I had a hard time making time to get their costumes done. I wasn't able to get the done in time for the Halloween party at Kari's house, but, thankfully, I got them finished in time for Halloween. I really liked the way they turned out and it was a lot of fun to make them. I just stressed myself out because I had a lot of other things that I needed to do besides making their costumes.
Parker was an Army Guy for Halloween. He wanted to be a cowboy, but boots were too expensive, so I told him that if he were an army guy, he could have a gun.Brinley was a fairy princess. She didn't like the wings at first, but she decided that they weren't so bad later on.Alissa wanted to be a witch. I think she looks so cute in her costume.

Here they are all together before we went out trick or treating.
We went to the trunk or treat over at the church. Then we came home and I took their pictures and we went out trick or treating around the neighborhood. We went with Alissa's new friend Erin, her brother, and her dad. The kids had a lot of fun.

We're home! The kids loved trick ot treating. I took a few picture of the kids by their pumpkins.

Alissa and I went to one more house. We left Brinley and Parker with daddy while we went to the scary house. Alissa's friend, Skylee, lives at the scary house. They love Halloween and they go all out with the Halloween decorations. This year they had an inflatable haunted house that you had to walk through to get to the front door. When we walked through it, it made scary sounds. Alissa was really nervous. I told her about it before we went and she said that she wouldn't be scared because she knows it is just pretend. I also warned her about the doorbell. When you ring it, air blows at you and it makes a scary sound. So Alissa was nervous when we got to the door. She was clinging to my arm. They had a lot of decorations (spiderwebs and stuff like that) around the door and I couldn't find the doorbell. I grabbed Alissa's flashlight to help me find the doorbell. While I was looking, the thing blew air on our faces and made the scary sound. We screamed and then they opened the door and gave us our treat. Alissa did not like that. She thought it was way too scary. I thought it was fun.

Here's Alissa getting all of the candy out of her bag.
Brinley enjoying her treats.

Parker playing with his daddy.
Parker's treats
And now it is time to go to bed. The kids had so much fun. They did not want the day to be over. Brinley and Alissa took the news of bed time really hard. They did not want to put the candy away and go to bed.