Thursday, May 29, 2003

It's hot! - May 29, 2003

Thursday - May 29th

Yesterday, Alissa and I went to Salt Lake to go to Mandi Larsen's wedding.  I love going to weddings.  They are so special.  A lot of people from the ward I grew up in were there.  It was really nice to see everybody.  I miss the house and the neighborhood I grew up in.  It's hard to move on.....but I'm doing it.  I'm so happy with roger.  It is so exciting starting our lives together.  I'm looking forward to getting comfortable in our new house and neighborhood.

Jenny Springman was at the wedding last night.  Jenny, Alissa, and I went out to eat at I.hop after the reception.  It was really fun to talk to Jenny again.  Janae was at the reception also.  She had to leave early so she could meet Travis.  Her and Travis have been talking about marriage.  She is in love with him and she doesn't want to lose him, but the thought of marriage is hard for her.  It's a big decision.  I think it's a hard one for anybody to make.  I had a hard time making that decision.  Anyway, so Janae wanted to talk a lot about that.  She went on a trip to California last week with her mom and Travis.  They had a lot of fun.  Janae said she realized how much she really likes him while they were on that trip.  I'm excited for her.  I hope that everything will turn out wonderful for her.

I just remembered a funny thing that happened last Friday, while we were in Mill Creek Canyon.  There were some restrooms there, but they were really yucky and scary.  I had to use it once.  I was so grossed out by it.  I didn't want to go in it again.  Anyway, Elizabeth had to go potty.  Her dad took her to the restroom, she went in, saw how scary it was, and refused to go back in unless her dad came in with her.  He didn't want to, because it was the women's restroom.  She finally just said that she could hold it, so they came back over by us.  Later that night, Kristin and Lizzy took a walk.  They didn't come right back, so Linda and Shelley went looking for them.  They found them by the bathrooms.  They were both too afraid to go in, so they stood outside and peed their pants.  They said that they ran around to try and dry themselves off, but it didn't work.  They were too embarrassed to come back by the fire with everyone.  It was funny, but I felt bad for them since they were so embarrassed.  That is totally something that my sister Kristy and I would have done.

Last night I got home around 11:30pm.  I didn't get to sleep until 12:30am.  I woke up at 4:30am and I was sweating like crazy.  Roger and I were both wide awake.  Alissa woke up about 5:00am.  It was too hot to sleep.  Our air conditioner is not working.  So, we all got up pretty early this morning.  First thing we did when we were all up, is went to Walmart to buy some fans.  One for Alissa's room and one for Roger and I.  We felt better after that.

Adele, who lives up and over from us, is having problems with her swamp cooler also.  I feel bad for her.  Roger went to look at it for her.  It needs to be cleaned and it needs a new pump.  Roger felt that it was really poorly taken care of.  He is going to talk to the guy when he comes to fix it.  Hopefully they will start taking better care of it.  It is miserable with out air conditioning.  We have been having record heat this month.  While roger was checking Adele's swamp cooler, Adele and I were talking.  she was telling me what a great guy she thinks Roger is.  She really appreciated all of the help he has given her.  She told me how lucky I am to have him.  I agree with her.  I love my Roger so much!  He is the best!  We always talk about how in the pre-existence we traded an eyebrow with each other to help us find one another.  We both have one eyebrow that tweaks out.  It's funny.

We went to Sam's Club today and bought groceries and a computer chair.  We also spent a lot of time boxing things up.  We took Alissa to play in a little pool in the backyard.  She didn't want to get in at first, but Roger held her feet in until she liked it.  Roger and I got into a water fight.  Alissa got sunscreen in her eyes.  They were red and watery.  We felt bad for her.  Poor girl.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

A Rough Night - May 27, 2003

Tuesday - May 27th
Yesterday was memorial day, so we went to Salt Lake to hang out with Roger's family.  It was a lot of fun.  We decided to spend the night at VanBibber's house then come home in the morning.  At about 2:30am, Alissa woke up.  She was very fussy and I couldn't get her to fall back asleep.  She cried for almost an hour.  We felt so bad.  I couldn't figure out what was making her unhappy and I couldn't get her to calm down.  We were afraid that she was keeping everybody awake.  Roger and I were both wide awake.  We didn't know what to do.  We ended up just packing up our stuff and leaving in the middle of the night.  I felt bad for doing that, but we just didn't know what else to do.  We got home at about 4:30am.  We all went to bed and woke up at 9:00am.  I got up and took care of Alissa and Roger went back to bed until 11:00am.
Alissa was very cute this morning.  She played with her toys in her crib, while I read the scriptures to her.  Then I played with her on the floor.  She was holding my hands to help her stand up.  Then she got the courage to let go of my hands.  she was doing a really good job at standing by herself.  I was so excited about it,  When Roger woke up, we let her walk back and forth between us.  She was doing a really good job.  She would let go of our hands and take a step before falling.  We are so excited for her to start walking.
We went to the store today and bought some things that we will need for our house.  It's so fun to buy stuff for our house.
We've started packing things tonight.  We found out today that they finished painting the side of the house.  All that needs to be done now is the appraiser needs to go and look at it.  After the appraiser approves it, everything will be done and we will be able to close.  I'm really excited about moving.  I hope that we will close on the 2nd or 3rd of June.
Roger and I played 'Hot Shots Golf 3' tonight.  I'm not a big fan of playing video games, but I don't mind this one and Roger loves it when I play it with him.

Sunday, May 25, 2003

Happy Birthday Roger! - May 25, 2003

Sunday - May 25th
It's Roger's Birthday today!  He had to work, so he didn't have much of a birthday.  I feel really bad about that.  Nobody even called to wish him a happy birthday before he left to work.  My parents called to tell him happy birthday, but they called after he left for work.  They felt bad that they missed him.  We celebrated Roger's birthday during the week, but It feels weird to not be celebrating on his actual birthday.  I wish I had more time with him today and that it could have felt more like his birthday for him.
We didn't go to church today.  Alissa and I are sick.  Alissa had a fever and I have a sore throat and a tummy ache.

Friday, May 23, 2003

Millcreek Canyon - May 23, 2003

Friday - May 23rd
We met my family in Millcreek Canyon to have a campfire, enjoy each others company, and celebrate Roger's Birthday.  It was a lot of fun.  We played games and ate a lot of food.  My tummy really hurt after all of that.  I'm starting to realize that my body just can't handle the things it used to.  
Before we headed up the Canyon, we stopped at  Deseret Book so, Roger could return the book that he didn't like.  Roger used the money from the book to get a Pocket Library.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Roger Found His Birthday Gifts - May 21, 2003

Wednesday - May 21, 2003
I went to the Relief Society Enrichment Meeting tonight.  I had a really good time at the meeting.  We learned about emergency preparedness.  We also learned about making a 72 hour kit.  I really needed to learn this stuff.  That was the last enrichment meeting that I will be able to attend in this ward.  I feel bad that I didn't go to more of them, because they are so fun and you learn so much.  I'm going to make a goal to attend all of my enrichment meetings in our new ward.  In the announcements, at the meeting, the Relief Society president (Diane Johnson) announced that I was moving.  She said some really nice things about me.  She said that she has learned a lot from me and has shared a lot of the things we've talked about with others.  When I walk around the block, I usually end up seeing her and we visit a lot.  I told her about when I was pregnant with Alissa.  I realized that I haven't written any of my pregnancy stories down, so I'm going to share some of those stories with you at the end of this post.
After I got home from Enrichment, Roger took a nap.  While he was sleeping, Alissa and I snuck to the store to buy his birthday gifts.  We got him a book, a Bill Engvil CD, and 2 DVDs.  We were so sneaky.  He had no idea that we had gone to the store.  We came home and we hid the gifts in Alissa's closet, because Roger never looks in there.
Later, I gave Alissa a bath.  We were in her room getting her dressed when Roger decided to look in her closet to see what things were in there that we needed to move.  A white bag (the bag with his gifts) caught his eye.  He started to reach for it.  I yelled, "No!" and shut the door before he could grab it.  He asked, "What are you doing?  Why did you do that?"  So, I had to tell him that I had bought him some gifts for his birthday and that's where they were hiding.  He was so excited and surprised.  He didn't know that I had even had a chance to go and get him anything yet.  He kept trying to guess what it was.  Then he started begging me to let him open it.  We debated about it for about an hour.  I finally gave in.  He always gets his way.  I'm very disappointed in myself for not being stronger.  The deal we made was that he had to go and buy ice cream, then I would let him open his gifts early.  He loved his gifts, except for the book.  We will go and exchange that one for one that he does like.  I really surprised him.  He did not expect
the gifts we gave him.
 Roger woke me up with the video camera going.  He was nice and let me sleep in, but him and Alissa got bored, so he pulled out the camera and woke me up.

Here are a few stories from when I was pregnant with Alissa:
I was really depressed during almost all of my pregnancy.  We moved, in February 2002, away from all my friends and family.  We lived in a basement apartment (without a lot of sunlight) in a city where the only people we knew were Roger's sister Caroline and her little family.  We rarely saw them.  I was so depressed and sad and lonely.  I never wanted to leave the house.  Being big with child, I felt too ugly to go outside.  We didn't have a lot of money, so I didn't have nice maternity clothes.  I just felt horrible.  I really wanted to move to a place above ground.  I really needed to see the sunlight.  We were only supposed to be living in the basement apartment for 2-3 months, while Caroline and Scott moved out of their apartment in the four-plex, then we were going to move in.  We ended up living in the basement apartment for 10 months.  I kept wanting to look for a different apartment since it was taking so long to get into the four-plex, but the spirit kept telling us to wait.  I'm glad we waited now and I understand why it was necessary.  If we hadn't waited, we wouldn't have been able to get into a house when we did because we would have had to sign a lease.
Anyway, so I heard that if you are depressed when you are pregnant, you will have a sad, fussy baby.  I really didn't want my depression to affect Alissa.  I talked to her all the time about it.I would tell her that I am happy and I love life, I'm just going through a hard time right now.  I talked to Alissa all the time about everything.  I told her a lot about how happy I am to have her and how I can't wait to hold her in my arms.  Thankfully, the depression didn't affect Alissa at all.  she is a very happy and content baby.  I read stories to her while she was in the room.  I talked to her about everything.  When I was 6 or 7 months along, I explained to Alissa what it was going to be like when she was delivered.  I explained how I've never done this before, so I'm not certain this is how it will go, but this is what the books say will happen.  I wanted her to be prepared, so it wouldn't be a scary thing for her.
I explained how she needed to have her head down, because that is the easiest way out.  I told her that if she couldn't get in that position, it would be alright, they will deliver her by c-section.  I explained to her what a c-section would be like.  But I told her the best and easiest way is if she has her head down.  The next two days, after I told her all of that, I was having really weird pains.  Pains that I hadn't experienced before.  We went to the doctor and he said, "Oh... She turned around so that her head is down."  I was so happy that Alissa had listened.  I thought that it was really neat to have some kind of prove that they do hear you when they are in the womb.
In the days before I delivered and I was having all of that pain, they checked to see if I was dilated.  They said that when they reached their fingers in, they could feel her head.  She was ready to go.  They gave her a little push.  They said normally the baby doesn't put her head back into that position, but Alissa did.  She is such a good girl and a good listener.  Because of my appendix rupturing, Alissa had to be delivered by c-section and it all happened very quickly.  I was glad that I had explained about c-sections to her before.  I barely had anytime alone after they announced that they were going to do a c-section and an exploratory surgery to find out what was wrong with me.  In that short time, I quickly told Alissa what was happening, so hopefully that helped things to be a little less scary for her.  Her whole delivery was a pretty scary thing and I was away from her a lot right after she was born.  I'm sure that was really hard on her.  She was in the NICU trying to survive and I was in another area of the hospital doing the same thing.  It was rough, but, we both made it through.
Another experience is, I didn't feel her move for a day or two.  I started to get really worried.   So, I talked to her about my feelings.  I told her how I worry when I don't feel her move and how much I love it when she moves around.  After that, she was really active.  Another fun thing is that she was always more active when her dad would come home from work.  That was so cute.

Monday, May 19, 2003

New Babysitting Job - May 19, 2003

Monday - May 19th
I went to Walmart today and bought some running pants, a sports bra, and some milk.  I love clothes shopping.  I tried on almost all the clothes in the store.  Alissa was so patient while I did that.  I found some shortalls and a shirt that I really want.
Alissa slept in until 8:30 this morning.  I really love getting an extra hour of sleep.  I was supposed to start my running program today, but I didn't have enough time.  I woke up, fed and dressed Alissa, went to the store, put Alissa down for a nap, cleaned, fed Alissa, cleaned, then Mark and Nikyle came to be babysat.  They are really cute boys.  I really enjoyed tending them.  Mark played the Playstation 2 for most of the time, then he went out and played with some neighbor kids.  Nikyle ran a muk in the house.  He crawled all over the place.  It really helped me to realize what child proofing I need to do.  He is a very cute boy.  I babysat from 2:30pm - 8:45pm.  Roger played for a little while, then he went to the store and bought some dinner because I didn't have time to make anything tonight.  
Mark and nikyle's parents, Lisa and Rob came to meet us at 2:00pm, before they left their kids.  They seem really nice.  They said that they think we are a really cute couple and they feel very comfortable about having me watch their children.

Sunday, May 18, 2003

My First Successful Roast - May 18, 2003

Sunday - May 18th
I use Alissa as my alarm clock and for some crazy reason, she sleeps in every Sunday.  That means I have to rush to get us ready in time.  Alissa is not sleeping well lately.  She was up from 9:00pm to 1:00am last night.  It was frustrating trying to get her to sleep.  I don't know why she is having such a hard time.  Tonight I put her to bed at 8:00pm and she woke up at 8:40pm.  She just barely fell back asleep and it is about 10:40pm right now.  I held her for a little bit, but she just fussed, so i ended up putting her in her crib and letting her cry herself to sleep.  That is hard for me to do.  I don't like to let her fuss,  I'd rather hold her and give her loves.  But if I didn't let her cry herself to sleep, she would still be awake.  The lady upstairs is vacuuming. I really hope that it doesn't wake Alissa up.  I'm so excited to move so I won't have to worry about that anymore.  I really hope that Alissa starts sleeping longer when we move because there won't be so many sounds to wake her up.
I made my first successful roast today!  I cooked it in the crockpot.  I sprinkled some Canadian Steak Seasoning on it.  Then I put onions and water.  I'm so glad that it was successful.  It was ready for us when we got home from church, but we didn't eat it right away.  We were all so tired, so I put it in the refrigerator and we all took a nap.  It felt so nice.  We were all so tired.
After Roger went to work, Alissa played with some toys on the floor while I played the piano.  I really love playing the piano.
It was a nice sunshiny day today, but there was a very cold wind blowing.  It really shocked me when I went outside, because we've been having really warm weather lately.
Angelee called to ask if Alissa and I would go walking with her, but I missed her call.  Alissa was in the bath.  I didn't realize that she had called until it was too late.  I was really bummed about that.  I really enjoy going walking with her.  I'm so glad that we live so close to each other.
Lisa called tonight.  She wants me to babysit tomorrow.  I will be babysitting for her in Tremonton after we move, but something came up and she needs me to watch them tomorrow.  I'm excited to meet her and her children.  she seems really nice.  She is 26 years old, so, only 2 years older than me.  We get along really well on the phone.  I'm hoping to make a friend.  Her children are 1 and 5 years old.  I'm looking forward to watching them.  I'm going to watch them from 3:00 - 9:00 pm.  I can use the money to buy Roger a birthday gift.
The play that Missy VanBibber was in was very successful.  They get to perform it in the Conference Center in August.  Missy is so excited about it.  she called to tell us all about it yesterday.
I spent a big portion of my evening making a calendar with my new jogging/walking schedule.  I'm starting out really slowly.  I'm doing it different than I have before.  I think that I will not get burned out on this one, because I'll be building up really slowly and starting out very easy.
We only have 2 more Sundays until we move.  I'm so excited about that.  I'm really excited about going to our new ward and getting to know everybody.  A guy who Roger works with has a friend and family member who lives on the same street as us.  He said that it is a really great neighborhood.  They have block parties every year and are very friendly.  I'm really excited to meet our neighbors.  I really hope there will be lots of babies in our ward so Alissa will have some friends.

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Alissa won't Sleep Tonight - May 13, 2003

Alissa is having a hard time sleeping tonight.  It is 10:30 pm and she is still awake.  I fed her and put her in her bed at 8:00 pm.  At 8:10 pm, my neighbor, Diana and her son, Andy came down to visit.  They were a little noisy when they came in.  Since I had just laid Alissa down, she wasn't asleep yet and the sounds made her upset and she started to cry a lot.  So, I went and got her and held her while I visited with Diana.  After they left I tried to put Alissa to bed again, but she just wouldn't sleep.  At 9:30, I decided to feed her some more and try to cuddle her back to sleep.  I held her for about 20 minutes, then I laid her down in her crib again.  For some reason she is just wide awake.  I have no idea why she won't sleep, but I finally just went and got her out of her crib.  she is sitting here with me.  I hope she falls asleep soon.
Alissa and I had a nice walk this morning.  We walked to the park and played by the pond for a while.  It was a beautiful day today.
Roger had a yucky night at work last night.  He has been having a lot of trouble with this one boss on his shift (I think his name is Matt).  This boss was only on his shift for 3 weeks.  Last night was his last night on the shift.  Roger was trying to get the prep job on his shift.  He was really sure that the job was going to be his.  The boss before and after this one would have given it to Roger, but this boss got on his shift and gave it to someone else who hadn't even been on the shift very long.  Roger was really upset about that.  Roger has been working so hard to get that position.  He has worked so hard to prove himself (he always comes in for overtime when asked and he works really hard).  Roger made a mistake on some paper work during the time that he had the yucky boss.  Usually somebody will catch a mistake like that before things go to far in the process, but other people missed it also, so it got a lot farther in the process than it should have and it caused a lot of problems.  roger got written up for it and the boss made a really big deal about it.  When he didn't give Roger that position, he told him that the one mess up was the reason why.  Roger's been working there for a little over a year and this was his first paperwork mistake.  He is just so frustrated about the big deal that this boss made of it.  Last night there was a problem that someone on day shift caused.  Roger noticed it and let the boss know about the problem.  The boss blamed Roger and another guy on his shift for the problem and gave them both write ups.  Then, another guy on his shift messed up and blamed it on Roger also.  He didn't get written up for it, but he got yelled at.  Roger talked to the guy later and the guy admitted that it was his fault, but he refused to tell anybody about it.  I feel bad that Roger is having such a hard time at work right now.  I don't like that his job is making him so miserable.  I miss my happy-go-lucky Roger that isn't stressed out from his job.

Monday, May 12, 2003

Dinner was Successful Today! - May 12, 2003

Today was a nice day.  I had a nice relaxing morning.  Alissa and I ate breakfast then she fell asleep.  I took a nap also.  I love taking naps.  I never thought I would feel that way about naps.  As a child, I despised them.
For Dinner I made Ham and Swiss Casserole and Garlic Bread.  It was really yummy.  Roger and I both loved it. I have been trying a lot of new meals and it is so exciting when one of them actually turns out.  I am really working hard to be a better cook.  It is a little frustrating when so many of my dinners don't turn out very well.  But nights like tonight make it all worth it.
It din't take me very long to make dinner, so I had time to take a second nap when Alissa took her second nap today.  I spent my second nap snuggled up next to Roger.  I was happy to get to relax with him for a little while today before he had to leave to work.
After Roger left to work, my friend, Angelee called.  She came over and we went walking.  Angelee and I grew up together in the same neighborhood in Salt Lake.  Now we are living close to each other in Brigham City.  It is so fun how that worked out.  I love having a friend close by.  I'm going to miss seeing her when we move.  anyways, we try to go walking together on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday each week.  I love it.
We got information about the appraisal of our house today.  The house appraised for $99,00.00.  We bought the house for $98,00.00.  So that's nice!  The appraiser thought everything looked really good.

Sunday, May 11, 2003

Mother's Day - May 11, 2003

It's my first Mother's Day as a mom!  I love being a mom!  Alissa and I slept in today and ended up missing church, so I woke up feeling kind of grumpy about that.  I managed to calm down eventually.  Roger was super nice to me and did his best to pamper me and make me feel special and loved.  It was so nice.  I also called my mom to wish her a happy Mother's Day.  She sounded happy and like she was having a really good day.  Kelly was visiting, so she had Shelley, Kelly, Kristy, and Missy over celebrating Mother's Day with her.
I made a roast today.  My mom says that a roast is the easiest meal to make.  She said that it is really hard to mess up a roast.  I've made roast 2 times now and I have managed to mess it up both times.  I don't know why I can't get it right.  It is really frustrating.  I really want to be a good cook and I want us to be able to eat roast on Sundays.  We always had roast on Sundays at my house when I was growing up.  I'd like to keep that going with my own family, but so far it is not looking good for us.  I'm determined though.  I'm going to keep trying until I get it right.
Yesterday we went to Salt Lake to go to my friend, Marque's Wedding.  It was really fun to see her.  She looked so pretty and so happy.  It was also a ton of fun to get to see and visit with a lot of friends from Dixie college.  Roger was super nice and took time off of work so he could come with me.  He couldn't take the whole night off though.  So, he worked the night before, came home and slept until 1:15 pm, then we loaded the car and headed out.  It took us a lot longer to get there because about a mile after we entered the freeway, traffic slowed pretty much to a stop because there was a really bad roll over accident.  It looked really scary.  I hope everybody was okay.  We had to leave the reception to head home by 8:45 pm so Roger could make it home and to work on time.

Friday, May 9, 2003

New Appliances For Our House - May 9, 2003

We got to go shopping today for some appliances for our new house!  We bought a washer, dryer, and a refrigerator.  It was fun looking at all of the different models.  We looked at a lot of different places and decided that the best place to go is Murphy's Appliances in Brigham City.
I'm so tired!  I've been working hard tonight trying to get everything done so that we will be able to go to Salt Lake in the morning.  I also went jogging tonight.  Even after working so hard tonight, I still need to do the dishes, do my hair, finish the laundry, pack our things, and I'm sure I'll think of more.
Alissa was so good today, which was super nice and helpful since I had so much to do.  She is such a patient little girl.  I feel really blessed to have such a wonderful little baby.  Tonight I thought that I would try something new.  I thought that if I stop feeding Alissa in the night when she wakes up that she will stop waking up in the night and maybe start sleeping through the night.  She already woke up once and I tried to just hold her and rock her back to sleep.  It was a bad idea.  She was hungry and since I didn't feed her like she was expecting she got really upset.  She ended up waking up even more because she was so upset over the lack of food.  I took a lot longer to get her back to sleep after that.  It's much easier to just feed her at night when she waked up.  I just need to be patient.  Eventually she will start sleeping through the night.
Also, we ate pizza today because I was craving it.  Weird!  I don't usually like pizza.  It was really weird that I was craving it.
My friend, Marque, is getting married tomorrow.  That's why we're heading to Salt Lake,

Thursday, May 8, 2003

Laughing Alissa - May 8, 2003

Thursday - May 8th
Alissa was laughing a lot.  I love her little laugh, so I pulled out the camcorder to try and get her laughing on video.  She laughed for the camera a little and that was fun, but she wasn't laughing as much as she was before the camera was on.
Alissa is almost 9 months old!  She is too cute and growing too fast.
 Roger was a stinker and pulled out the camera while I was trying to get Alissa asleep.
I have been looking through books from the library trying to find a good place for us to go hiking and camping together in the Box Elder area.  We've been hiking together quite a few times, just never camping.  I think I'm ready for us to do that.  Hopefully I can find a good place and we can go soon.

Wednesday, May 7, 2003

Salt Lake - May 7, 2003

Wednesday - May 7, 2003
We went to Salt Lake today.  We picked Kelly up from the airport at 2:30, then we all went to Linda's.  After Kristin and Lizzy got home from school, we all went to eat at Chilies.  I loved it.  I ate too much.  I have been craving Chilies for a long time.  After dinner, we went back to Linda's and played games.  Alissa was so cute all night.  She was especially cute at dinner.  She looked so big sitting at the table in between Elizabeth and Kristin.  She had a lot of fun.  She loves all of the attention that everyone gives her.  While we played games, Roger went over and played videos games at Jamie and Kirk's.  We were going to stay the night at Linda's but I got the worst headache ever.  It made me sick to my stomach (that's how bad it was).  So, Roger brought us home.  I was able to sleep a little bit on the way home, so my headache is not as bad as it was when we left.  The only thing that works for getting rid of my headaches is sleep.  I've tried different medicines, but nothing works.

Tuesday, May 6, 2003

Alissa Called me Dada - May 6, 2003

Tuesday - May 6, 2003
My parents came and did the home inspection.  They were impressed.  They thought everything was very nice.  The people who live there now asked us if they could move the closing date up one week.  It's not official yet, but we will probably get to move in on June 3rd!! I'm so excited!
Roger had a yucky night at work last night.  I was really sad for him when he came home.  The bosses keep telling him that they are really impressed with him and that they are really considering him for all of these positions.  (Roger works so hard) And then they give them to other people.  It just was so frustrating to Roger because he has worked so hard to prove himself to the bosses and they tell him that he will get moved up to another position but they don't do it.  Roger feels like they will keep him in the same position forever.  He is ready for something new.
Alissa is so cute!  I know I say that on every post,  but she really is.  She says "Mama" and "Dada".  Today I was talking to her and I asked her to say mama and she looked at me and said, "Dada."  I thought it was funny.  She is turning in to such a daddy's girl.  I love it.  And of course, Roger loves it also.  She just started doing the cutest thing last week.  When I get her out of her bed I always give her a hug and pat her back.  Well, now she pats my back also.  I love it!  It is so cute!  Another cute thing she does is when you change her diaper after she wakes up or when she is tired, she stretches her hands out and yawns, then she reaches down and scratches her little belly.  She is so much fun.  I look forward to every day with her.  It is so much fun to watch her learn and grow.

Monday, May 5, 2003

Alissa Won't Take Her Nap Again - May 5, 2003

Monday - May 5th
This is my cute little Alissa refusing to take her nap.  She really doesn't like to take naps.  She was just being too cute so I pulled out the video camera to record her.  She is sitting in the rocking chair that I am in the process of recovering.  I like how it is turning out.

 We are so excited about our new house.  It is 1650 sq ft.,  4 bedrooms 2 baths.  We just can't wait!  I'm the most excited about the kitchen.  I had Roger tell the camera a little about our new house.

 Alissa loves to stand up.  It is her favorite thing.  She loves it when we hold her hands and let her try to walk.  She seems like she just can't wait to start walking.  I had Roger lay her on her stomach so we could chow the camera what a big fit she throws when she's on her belly, but she didn't throw a fit this time.  Eventually she did, but she actually tried for a little bit.  I think it is because she saw another little girl crawling at church yesterday.  I think that made her want to try it.

Thursday, May 1, 2003

We Got a House! - May 1, 2003

Thursday - May 1, 2003
We got the house!  As of June 13, 2003 we are home owners.  I'm really excited about it!  My parents are coming on Saturday and we are going to have my dad inspect it.  I'm so excited to go and see it again.  Life is wonderful!
I've been really emotional for the past 3 days.  Dumb things make me cry.  I think it is a little funny.  Roger thinks it is funny also.  I think I am pregnant again, but I don't want to get my hopes up.  I won't take a pregnancy test for another 2 weeks.
Someone called me yesterday and asked if I still babysit.  I told them that we are moving, but I would love to watch their children until we move and possibly after, if they are interested.  She is interested.  so, it's not official, but I probably have a babysitting job.  That will help us out so much.