Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Roger Found His Birthday Gifts - May 21, 2003

Wednesday - May 21, 2003
I went to the Relief Society Enrichment Meeting tonight.  I had a really good time at the meeting.  We learned about emergency preparedness.  We also learned about making a 72 hour kit.  I really needed to learn this stuff.  That was the last enrichment meeting that I will be able to attend in this ward.  I feel bad that I didn't go to more of them, because they are so fun and you learn so much.  I'm going to make a goal to attend all of my enrichment meetings in our new ward.  In the announcements, at the meeting, the Relief Society president (Diane Johnson) announced that I was moving.  She said some really nice things about me.  She said that she has learned a lot from me and has shared a lot of the things we've talked about with others.  When I walk around the block, I usually end up seeing her and we visit a lot.  I told her about when I was pregnant with Alissa.  I realized that I haven't written any of my pregnancy stories down, so I'm going to share some of those stories with you at the end of this post.
After I got home from Enrichment, Roger took a nap.  While he was sleeping, Alissa and I snuck to the store to buy his birthday gifts.  We got him a book, a Bill Engvil CD, and 2 DVDs.  We were so sneaky.  He had no idea that we had gone to the store.  We came home and we hid the gifts in Alissa's closet, because Roger never looks in there.
Later, I gave Alissa a bath.  We were in her room getting her dressed when Roger decided to look in her closet to see what things were in there that we needed to move.  A white bag (the bag with his gifts) caught his eye.  He started to reach for it.  I yelled, "No!" and shut the door before he could grab it.  He asked, "What are you doing?  Why did you do that?"  So, I had to tell him that I had bought him some gifts for his birthday and that's where they were hiding.  He was so excited and surprised.  He didn't know that I had even had a chance to go and get him anything yet.  He kept trying to guess what it was.  Then he started begging me to let him open it.  We debated about it for about an hour.  I finally gave in.  He always gets his way.  I'm very disappointed in myself for not being stronger.  The deal we made was that he had to go and buy ice cream, then I would let him open his gifts early.  He loved his gifts, except for the book.  We will go and exchange that one for one that he does like.  I really surprised him.  He did not expect
the gifts we gave him.
 Roger woke me up with the video camera going.  He was nice and let me sleep in, but him and Alissa got bored, so he pulled out the camera and woke me up.

Here are a few stories from when I was pregnant with Alissa:
I was really depressed during almost all of my pregnancy.  We moved, in February 2002, away from all my friends and family.  We lived in a basement apartment (without a lot of sunlight) in a city where the only people we knew were Roger's sister Caroline and her little family.  We rarely saw them.  I was so depressed and sad and lonely.  I never wanted to leave the house.  Being big with child, I felt too ugly to go outside.  We didn't have a lot of money, so I didn't have nice maternity clothes.  I just felt horrible.  I really wanted to move to a place above ground.  I really needed to see the sunlight.  We were only supposed to be living in the basement apartment for 2-3 months, while Caroline and Scott moved out of their apartment in the four-plex, then we were going to move in.  We ended up living in the basement apartment for 10 months.  I kept wanting to look for a different apartment since it was taking so long to get into the four-plex, but the spirit kept telling us to wait.  I'm glad we waited now and I understand why it was necessary.  If we hadn't waited, we wouldn't have been able to get into a house when we did because we would have had to sign a lease.
Anyway, so I heard that if you are depressed when you are pregnant, you will have a sad, fussy baby.  I really didn't want my depression to affect Alissa.  I talked to her all the time about it.I would tell her that I am happy and I love life, I'm just going through a hard time right now.  I talked to Alissa all the time about everything.  I told her a lot about how happy I am to have her and how I can't wait to hold her in my arms.  Thankfully, the depression didn't affect Alissa at all.  she is a very happy and content baby.  I read stories to her while she was in the room.  I talked to her about everything.  When I was 6 or 7 months along, I explained to Alissa what it was going to be like when she was delivered.  I explained how I've never done this before, so I'm not certain this is how it will go, but this is what the books say will happen.  I wanted her to be prepared, so it wouldn't be a scary thing for her.
I explained how she needed to have her head down, because that is the easiest way out.  I told her that if she couldn't get in that position, it would be alright, they will deliver her by c-section.  I explained to her what a c-section would be like.  But I told her the best and easiest way is if she has her head down.  The next two days, after I told her all of that, I was having really weird pains.  Pains that I hadn't experienced before.  We went to the doctor and he said, "Oh... She turned around so that her head is down."  I was so happy that Alissa had listened.  I thought that it was really neat to have some kind of prove that they do hear you when they are in the womb.
In the days before I delivered and I was having all of that pain, they checked to see if I was dilated.  They said that when they reached their fingers in, they could feel her head.  She was ready to go.  They gave her a little push.  They said normally the baby doesn't put her head back into that position, but Alissa did.  She is such a good girl and a good listener.  Because of my appendix rupturing, Alissa had to be delivered by c-section and it all happened very quickly.  I was glad that I had explained about c-sections to her before.  I barely had anytime alone after they announced that they were going to do a c-section and an exploratory surgery to find out what was wrong with me.  In that short time, I quickly told Alissa what was happening, so hopefully that helped things to be a little less scary for her.  Her whole delivery was a pretty scary thing and I was away from her a lot right after she was born.  I'm sure that was really hard on her.  She was in the NICU trying to survive and I was in another area of the hospital doing the same thing.  It was rough, but, we both made it through.
Another experience is, I didn't feel her move for a day or two.  I started to get really worried.   So, I talked to her about my feelings.  I told her how I worry when I don't feel her move and how much I love it when she moves around.  After that, she was really active.  Another fun thing is that she was always more active when her dad would come home from work.  That was so cute.

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