Tuesday, May 27, 2003

A Rough Night - May 27, 2003

Tuesday - May 27th
Yesterday was memorial day, so we went to Salt Lake to hang out with Roger's family.  It was a lot of fun.  We decided to spend the night at VanBibber's house then come home in the morning.  At about 2:30am, Alissa woke up.  She was very fussy and I couldn't get her to fall back asleep.  She cried for almost an hour.  We felt so bad.  I couldn't figure out what was making her unhappy and I couldn't get her to calm down.  We were afraid that she was keeping everybody awake.  Roger and I were both wide awake.  We didn't know what to do.  We ended up just packing up our stuff and leaving in the middle of the night.  I felt bad for doing that, but we just didn't know what else to do.  We got home at about 4:30am.  We all went to bed and woke up at 9:00am.  I got up and took care of Alissa and Roger went back to bed until 11:00am.
Alissa was very cute this morning.  She played with her toys in her crib, while I read the scriptures to her.  Then I played with her on the floor.  She was holding my hands to help her stand up.  Then she got the courage to let go of my hands.  she was doing a really good job at standing by herself.  I was so excited about it,  When Roger woke up, we let her walk back and forth between us.  She was doing a really good job.  She would let go of our hands and take a step before falling.  We are so excited for her to start walking.
We went to the store today and bought some things that we will need for our house.  It's so fun to buy stuff for our house.
We've started packing things tonight.  We found out today that they finished painting the side of the house.  All that needs to be done now is the appraiser needs to go and look at it.  After the appraiser approves it, everything will be done and we will be able to close.  I'm really excited about moving.  I hope that we will close on the 2nd or 3rd of June.
Roger and I played 'Hot Shots Golf 3' tonight.  I'm not a big fan of playing video games, but I don't mind this one and Roger loves it when I play it with him.

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