Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Shelley's Birthday - March 27, 2002

Wednesday - March 27th
We are back in St. George again.  I just can't get enough of spending time with my family.  I can't bring myself to miss anything.  This is Shelley's 30th birthday.  My dad put all the candles in the cake, but Shelley said she didn't want to blow them out, so we didn't light them.  She just pretended to blow them out after the song.  I recorded all the birthday fun, so here is the video.

 Hannah drew this cute picture for Missy and her "Boyfriend".  Missy kept telling her that he was her husband now, but Hannah wouldn't listen and just kept calling him her boyfriend.  Hannah is a cute girl.  I love her so much.  Also, she is very funny and entertaining.
 This is the kids when the party was over and they had to head home.  I recorded them as they got ready to go.  They are too cute!

Sunday, March 17, 2002

St. George - March 17, 2002

Sunday - March 17th
We are home now.  We had a lot of fun in St. George.  I love going there and spending time with my family.  I miss them all too much.
We relaxed for a little while in the morning then we packed up all our stuff and stopped by my sister's houses to say good-bye.  Here is the video.
Oh... I almost forgot... Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Roger didn't wear any green at all today.  Of course, I pinched him a few times, but it got old and boring really fast.  I've never been around somebody who didn't wear green on St. Patrick's Day.  Crazy Roger.

Saturday, March 16, 2002

A Baby shower For Kristy - March 16, 2002

Saturday - March 16th
We are in St. George for Kristy's Baby Shower.  Her little baby is due in about a month.  I'm so excited for her and jealous that I still have so long to go before my due date.  Her baby shower was nice.  she got a ton of cute, fun gifts.  It was fun to see lots of family.  I really liked it.  Here is the video I took of Kristy opening her gifts.

Tuesday, March 5, 2002

Pregnancy is Rough - March 5, 2002

Tuesday - March 5th
My sister Missy got married on February 25th.  She kind of ran away with this boy and called to let us all know about the wedding the day before it happened.  The only ones from our family who could attend were my mom and dad.  I worry about Missy a lot.  I really hope that she can be happy.  There is a lot more to this story, but I don't feel like I should be the one to share it.
Anyway, I've been sick a lot lately.  My stomach constantly hurts.  I always feel like I need to throw up.  I really don't like the way it feels to throw up.  It scares me a lot.  Whenever I get sick, I pray and ask Heavenly Father to not let me throw up and to let my body get rid of the yuck the other way, so I haven't thrown up in a really long time.  It's been so long that I forgot how horrible it is.  With my constant tummy aches, I always feel like I need to throw up and the though keeps coming to me that if I could throw up then I will feel better.  so, I have been really wanting to throw up, to ease my stomach pain.  Last night, I finally did throw up.  Now I remember why I never want that to happen again.  It feels so scary to me.  I felt like I was going to pass out.  It was horrible and it didn't ease my stomach ache at all.  I'm thankful for the reminder, so I can stop wasting my time wishing that I would throw up, now I can go back to praying that it will never happen again.
Sorry for all the yucky talk, but that's what my life is lately.
On to happier stuff.... I talked to Linda tonight for a long time.  I miss her a lot.  We have a lot of fun talking.  We end up being on the phone for such a long time whenever we call each other.  We just reminisce about old times and have so much fun.  She said that she found some old pictures today.  There was a picture of me and Kristy in our old smurf house.  It's funny that Linda remembered that today, because I was remembering this boy, Jamie, that used to have a crush on Linda.  He would come over and bother her all the time.  She wouldn't hang out with him and neither would any other sisters.  The only ones at our house who would hang out with him were Shelley and I.  I remember that we had a lot of fun hanging out with him.  Anyway, the reason that it is funny that Linda remembered the smurf house is that the last time I remember him coming over, he sat on me and Kristy's smurf house and broke it.  I was pretty sad when he did that.  Linda said she was wondering what had happened to the smurf house.  We had a fun time talking and laughing about those memories.  I miss Shelley a lot also.  I was going to call her tonight, but I ended up being on the phone too long with Linda.
Today was a nice day.  I did a lot of crocheting and that was fun.  Tomorrow Mom, Dad, Kristy, Kari, and her kids are all coming to visit and see where I live.  I'm very excited about that.  I'm excited to have company coming.
I just realized that I've been so caught up in my crocheting and feeling sick (because of the pregnancy) that I've neglected my husband today.  I didn't make him dinner because I was feeling sick.  Then I spent the rest of the night crocheting and talking on the phone to Linda.  I'm going to go apologize and pamper him as much as I can to try and make up for it.  I have the greatest husband in the world.  I need to do my best to let him know that's how I feel and to help him feel that way.  I love Roger so much.  when we first got married I didn't think it was possible to love him more than I did then.  But it is.  I love him more and more everyday.  It amazes me.  He is the best!