Thursday, October 31, 2002

Halloween 2002

Thursday - October 31, 2002
It's Halloween!  Roger and I watched a couple of movies, then pulled out the video camera to make a video of our cute little Alissa.  We still don't have any friends here in Brigham City, so we get bored a lot.  When ever we're bored, I think, "Let's make a video!"  I don't know why I think like that, but I just do.
I had this cute Halloween outfit for Alissa to wear today, but I forgot to wash it.  So she didn't get to wear her cute little Halloween stuff.  Bummer!
Roger was playing church basketball the other day and ended up hurting his toe.  Another guy ran into him and rammed into his toe.  Now his toenail is barely hanging on.  That is why there is a picture of a foot in with our Halloween photos.  Here is the video I took of our not so eventful Halloween.

 These pictures weren't taken on Halloween.  I'm not sure what day we took these.  I just posted them with this, because Alissa is wearing her cute little Halloween outfit, that she didn't get to wear on Halloween.  The top picture was taken while we were hanging out at my friend Jamie's house.  The other two were taken at the VanBibber's home.  There is Alissa with her cousin Missy.  So cute!

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Some Firsts For Alissa - October 30, 2002

Wednesday - October 30, 2002
Today Alissa got to experience snow for the first time!  Roger and I bundled her up and we walked across the street to the church parking lot with her.  She's too little to really enjoy it, but still, we showed it to her.  Roger threw a tiny snowball at her and at me.  Then I threw a little snow back at him.  We had our first family snowball fight!  Of course, we hurried and wiped the snow off of Alissa's shirt as soon as it hit her.  And we couldn't run around, because we were holding a little baby.  But it was still fun to go out and be in the snow for a little bit with our new little baby girl.  Being parents is exciting.  There are so many firsts for us to experience.  Here is the video I took of Alissa's first snow and pickle.
After we played in the snow, we went inside and decided it would be funny to experience another first.  I was eating some pickles and I thought it would be funny to see Alissa's face when I shared some with her.  It was funny!  Poor little girl.  She was looking at us like, "What are you doing to me?"  The funny thing is that now Alissa loves pickles and can't seem to get enough of them.  She even drinks the pickle juice when the pickles are all gone.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Alissa Faces - October 29, 2002

Tuesday - October 29, 2002
Alissa is 2 1/2 months old.  She smiles now and she makes the cutest little face.  I call it the pucker up face, because she puckers her lips and just relaxes with her face in that position.  It is too cute!  Every time she does it, I think about how I need to get a picture of her making that face.  I keep trying to get a picture of it, but she never does it when the camera is rolling.  Tonight while Roger was at work, I entertained myself by trying to get a video of her making that face or at least smiling.  Here are some pictures and here is the video.

Saturday, October 26, 2002

Just Chillin' - October 26, 2002

Saturday - October 26, 2002
My friend Jamie and her husband Kirk came to visit.  Kirk wanted to sew his own Halloween costume.  Since, they don't have a sewing machine, he brought his sewing project to our house.  I'm not sure what his costume was, because, I only got to see part of it.  It was either a wizard, the Grimm reaper, or the spooky scream guy.  The part of the costume I saw, was the big black gown.
While he was sewing, Jamie took a video of me and Alissa.  Alissa likes it when I hold her up and let her stand.  I'm amazed at how strong her little legs are.  That's pretty much the whole video.  Here are some pictures and a video.

Monday, October 21, 2002

Happy Birthday to Me!

Monday - October 21, 2002
I turned 24 years old today!  Crazy!