Monday, March 31, 2014

Preparing for April Fool's Day - March 31, 2014

Monday - March 31, 2014
It's amazing how fast technology changes.  We bought our last computer four years ago and it just wasn't cutting it anymore.  So, we traded it in for a new one.  This is a picture of Roger and our new computer when he went to pick it up.  We are soooo... excited for our new computer.  It will be so nice to play the Sims and not have the computer freeze up on us.
I stayed up late tonight preparing April Fool's Day jokes to surprise the kids in the morning.  I started out by turning all of the pictures on the walls upside down.
The big one that I wanted to do was, I wanted to switch the living room and kitchen furniture.  I thought it would be a fun surprise and just something different, but Roger didn't like that idea.  He thought it was too much work plus he was going to be home and awake all night and he didn't like the idea of not having the couch in the living room.  So, I decided to put up a small Christmas tree instead.  I bought a $5.00 tree at Walmart when everything was on sale after Christmas.  It set up really quickly and was easy to quickly decorate.  I found some boxes and put small toys in each one, then wrapped them and placed them under the tree.  I thought the kids would be so surprised when they came downstairs and I yelled, "Merry Christmas!"  I stuffed toilet paper in the kids' shoes, I turned their backpacks inside out, I colored the milk, and I switched the bags of cereal from one box to another, so they would grab one kind of cereal, but when they poured it, a different cereal would come out.  I moved the silverware to the drawer underneath it and the drawer underneath it up to the silverware drawer, then I made Jello in cups and added straws, so they looked like drinks.  They I put them in the fridge to thicken up overnight.  The last prank that I did was, I toilet papered the kids' rooms.  This was the first time I ever toilet papered anybody in my life.  It was fun!
I was exhausted after setting up all of those pranks.  I'm hoping to wake the kids up an hour earlier than normal, so they have time to enjoy all of the craziness before school.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Playing at Bothwell Park - March 22, 2014

Saturday - March 22, 2014
The kids are enjoying their spring break weekend.  Roger has to work overtime, so we can't really go anywhere.  We are trying to think of fun things to do to pass the time, but we are not having an easy time coming up with ideas.  One idea was to go have a picnic at Bothwell Park.  It's a little cold out still and we didn't have any bread for sandwiches.  We ate our lunch at home, then went to the park to play.  Sydney came with us.  The kids had fun.  We ended up staying at the park for two hours.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Blowing Bubbles - March 21, 2014

Friday - March 21, 2014
I made a bubble mixture that is not supposed to pop as easy as most.  We tried a lot of different tools for blowing the bubbles.  I think our favorite was a sock.  It made a snake of bubbles.  Then they had the idea to blow the snake bubbles into a cup and it looks like ice cream.  It was good fun.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Downtown St. George - March 17, 2014

Monday - March 17, 2014
Today, I spent the day cleaning my dad's house.  I really enjoy cleaning.... I know... weird, right?  Anyway, while I cleaned Roger, my dad, and the kids went to play at the splash pad in downtown St.George.  They all had a lot of fun.  We decided that from now on, we will be going to St.George at least once every 6 months to play and to clean my dad's house.  I've avoided going to St.George since my mom passed away.  I went once, to help go through her things, but that is the only time I had been until now.  I feel bad for avoiding it for so long.  I'm glad I came and that we had fun.  I thought it would be too hard and sad to be here with out my mom, but it turned out to be okay and I realized that my dad needs us to come and visit.  I think it helps to make it easier for him to stay in his house, which is what I'm pretty sure he wants to do.  He also really needs me to come and deep clean his house for him every 6 months or so.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Zion National Park - March 16, 2014

Sunday - March 16, 2014
We spent the day at Zion National Park.  It was really busy because it was spring break for a lot of people.  We had a hard time finding a spot to park.  We ended up parking in a pull-out area off the side of the road.  We thought we would hike over to the place we had wanted to go.  We wanted to go see were the start of the hike through the narrows was, but it was too crowded.  We didn't plan to hike the narrows.  We want to do that sometime, but we weren't prepared to do it today.  Anyway, so we found a trail near the spot where we parked and began to hike.  We hiked over to the next little pull out area and we sat for a little while.  While we were resting, I took a lot of pictures of the kids.  They wanted me to take a picture of them looking like they were going to fall, then photoshop it onto a picture of the tall mountain behind them, so it would look like they were going to fall off of a cliff.  We had fun taking their pictures.

After our break, Grandpa decided that he didn't want to finish the hike with us.  So, he stayed there, while we hiked.  We didn't go too much farther before the brush started to get too thick and we turned around.  My dad ended up being able to see us from the road for most of the hike, so he followed us that way.  When we decided to turn around, we just headed up to the road and hiked back to the sitting area.  Roger, the kids, and I decided to go back on the hiking trail at this point.  Hiking on the road made me too nervous that one of us would get run over.  My dad stayed on the road, since the thought of hiking down to the trail was not very appealing to him.

After our hike, we got back in the truck and headed for a short drive so we could go through one of the tunnels.  Right after we got out of the tunnel, we noticed that there was a little parking lot, so we pulled in.  Then we noticed some steps across the street from the parking lot.  We couldn't resist going to see what it was.  Brinley and my dad didn't want to come with us, so they stayed with the truck.  We thought it was probably just a little over look, but it turned out to be a hike.  It was a really fun and pretty hike.

The hike took us to a look out.  Someone there, took a pictures of us.

 On our way back down, we ran into Brinley and Grandpa.  They came to find us since we were taking so long.  We hiked back a little ways with them, then we turned around and headed back to the truck.
 On the way back to Grandpa's house, we stopped to see a ghost town - Grafton, Utah.  The movie "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" was filmed here.  Grafton was settled in 1859, but the town was nearly destroyed during the great flood of 1862.  The residents all moved a mile upstream on the Virgin Rover and built a new town they named Grafton, after Grafton, Mass.
In 1866, Utah was in the midst of the Black Hawk War and Grafton was one of the many remote settlements that were abandoned for fear of Indian attacks.  People began returning on 1868, but flooding from the notoriously volatile Virgin River again became a major threat to the town's safety.  By the early 1900s, most of the residents had moved away and only a few families remained.
The Grafton Heritage Partnership restored and protects the town's remaining structures.
 The school house was built in 1886 and is one of the most photographed ghost town buildings in the American west.

On the way home from Grafton, we passed through Rockville.  Rockville was in the news in December.  Here is a link to the story.  A boulder fell from the mountain in the night and smashed a house.  The two residents who lived there were killed when it happened.  Anyway, we stopped to see what was left as we drove by on our way to Grandpa's house.  This is what is there now.
 Here are some pictures from the news.  This is what it looked like before and what it looked like right after it happened.