Monday, March 31, 2014

Preparing for April Fool's Day - March 31, 2014

Monday - March 31, 2014
It's amazing how fast technology changes.  We bought our last computer four years ago and it just wasn't cutting it anymore.  So, we traded it in for a new one.  This is a picture of Roger and our new computer when he went to pick it up.  We are soooo... excited for our new computer.  It will be so nice to play the Sims and not have the computer freeze up on us.
I stayed up late tonight preparing April Fool's Day jokes to surprise the kids in the morning.  I started out by turning all of the pictures on the walls upside down.
The big one that I wanted to do was, I wanted to switch the living room and kitchen furniture.  I thought it would be a fun surprise and just something different, but Roger didn't like that idea.  He thought it was too much work plus he was going to be home and awake all night and he didn't like the idea of not having the couch in the living room.  So, I decided to put up a small Christmas tree instead.  I bought a $5.00 tree at Walmart when everything was on sale after Christmas.  It set up really quickly and was easy to quickly decorate.  I found some boxes and put small toys in each one, then wrapped them and placed them under the tree.  I thought the kids would be so surprised when they came downstairs and I yelled, "Merry Christmas!"  I stuffed toilet paper in the kids' shoes, I turned their backpacks inside out, I colored the milk, and I switched the bags of cereal from one box to another, so they would grab one kind of cereal, but when they poured it, a different cereal would come out.  I moved the silverware to the drawer underneath it and the drawer underneath it up to the silverware drawer, then I made Jello in cups and added straws, so they looked like drinks.  They I put them in the fridge to thicken up overnight.  The last prank that I did was, I toilet papered the kids' rooms.  This was the first time I ever toilet papered anybody in my life.  It was fun!
I was exhausted after setting up all of those pranks.  I'm hoping to wake the kids up an hour earlier than normal, so they have time to enjoy all of the craziness before school.

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