Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fool's Day

Tuesday - April 1, 2014
Happy April Fool's Day! I had fun fooling the kids this year.  Parker was the first one to wake up.  He woke up at 3:00 am and came running into my room, to tell me that something was wrong.  There was toilet paper all over his room and he didn't understand how that could happen.  In a tired fog, I told him, "April Fool's!  I toilet papered your room."  He said, "Ohhh... okay."  Then went back to bed.  I woke the kids up at 5:00 am. They came downstairs to see a Christmas Tree set up with presents under it.  They were so excited!  I was going to wrap not so nice presents, like stinky socks, but I was too tired last night to go and find anything, so I just wrapped up some of their toys that were sitting close by.  I bought each of them a return bouncy ball from the dollar store.  They were excited about that. They loved all of the fun surprises I did for them.  After they opened the gifts, they ran around the house looking for the other tricks that I played on them.  They knew to look for the colored milk, because I've done that before.  They were surprised when they went to get their cereal and discovered that the bags were in the wrong boxes.  Then they couldn't find the silverware.  When they went to get their shoes on, they discovered that their shoes had toilet paper in them and their backpacks were all turned inside out.  They thought it was a fun morning.
While the kids were at school, I put up these funny signs on the door to fool them and see how long it would take them to get inside the house.  It didn't work.  None of the kids fell for it.  Parker and Brinley stopped and thought about it for a bit, but then remembered that it was April Fool's Day, so they came right in.
I told the kids I had a yummy new drink for them to try for after school snack.  It was Jello in cups with straws, so it looked like a drink.  It was funny watching them try and figure that out.  Then they were all nice enough to keep trying their drinks so I could take their pictures.
After Roger went to work, Alissa's friend, Sydney came over.  Alissa made me promise to save one prank to do when Sydney was over.  What I did was, I swabbed food coloring on to the faucets, so when they turned on the water, it would come out colored.  I made a treat for the kids, then I told them all to go wash their hands so they could have some.  Alissa washed her hands in the kitchen sink.  She didn't put her hands in it, she stared at it for a second, then said, "Mom? What's happening?"  I was laughing at Alissa's reaction, when I realized Brinley had gone in the bathroom to wash her hands in that sink.  I quickly ran in their to see her reaction.  When I got in their, Brinley had quickly pulled her hands out of the water when she noticed the color and she was staring at them with a confused and disgusted look on her face.  The color I used on both sinks was red, so she might have thought it was blood at first.  It was funny!  I love pranking the kids on April Fool's Day.  I'm not a fan of mean or embarrassing jokes, just funny and weird.  It was a fun day!

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