Monday, April 21, 2014

Finally organized the Storage Unit - April 21, 2014

Monday - April 21, 2014
When we moved last year, we weren't able to get very many people to come and help.  So, by the time we got to the storage unit stuff, we were all so tired.  We pretty much just threw everything in here.  It was a mess and very difficult to find or get to anything.  We had planned to come back and organize it as soon as we got things unpacked at our townhouse, but it never happened.  I didn't have the energy for it and I kept thinking that it wouldn't be too long until we move again, so it wasn't really worth all of the hard work.  Since we decided to tough it out at the town houses for one more year, we decided to clean and organize the storage unit.  It was a lot of work, but it felt good to get it organized.  We were able to get rid of a lot of things.  I always have such a hard time getting rid of things, but I didn't this time.  It was much easier, since I had already lived for a full year with out all of this stuff, it was easier to see that it was just junk and I didn't need to keep it.
I forgot to take a before photo.  I always forget to take the before photo of things.  I get so frustrated at myself for doing this all the time.  Anyway...... at least we can all see and enjoy the after photo.  Here it is!

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