Saturday, December 29, 2001

One Month Anniversary - December 29, 2001

Saturday - December 29th
Roger and I have been married for one month!  I love being married to Roger!  He is the best husband ever!  We are both sick today.  So that is a bummer.  We did not get a good nights sleep last night.  We were just feeling sick and it made it hard to sleep.  We woke up and went to Brigham City for Rachel Wilding's baptism.  We didn't get home until around 3:00 pm.  We stopped at Old Navy on the way home and bought some pants.  They were on sale.  The price tag said they were $6.99, but when they rang them up, they were $2.12.  I was so excited to get some pants for so cheap.  I love discount clothes shopping!
Roger and I stayed home tonight.  I started crying tonight for no reason at all.  It was really weird.  I wasn't sad or anything.  Just all of the sudden my eyes started to well up with tears and I started to cry.  I was so confused because I had no reason to cry.  I thought it was weird so I started to laugh also.  I was crying and laughing a little at the same time.  Roger didn't know what to think.  At first, he felt really bad that I was crying, then he noticed I was laughing and he got really confused.  That was just a really weird experience.  I've never done anything like that before.  It was crazy!  I'm so glad that Roger puts up with me.  I love him so much.  He is the best!  He makes me feel all emotional.

Thursday, December 27, 2001

Just a Fun Day - December 27, 2001

Thursday - December 27th
We had a good day today.  We were both really happy and feeling goofy today.  We have so much fun hanging out together.  I'm so happy that I get to hang out and be with my best friend all the time.  We went to the mall to pay Morgan Jewlers for my ring, to look for slippers for roger, and to use our gift certificate to Mier and Frank.  We didn't find any slippers so we went to Walmart.  Roger's mom gave him $20.00 to buy slippers (as a Christmas gift).  Slippers at Walmart only cost $4.00, so we spent the rest of the money on 2 movies (The Breakfast Club and Maverick).  We really didn't do anything special or too exciting today, but it was just a really fun day.  I love my husband!  We have too much fun together and that makes me so happy.

Tuesday, December 25, 2001

Christmas 2001

Tuesday - December 25th
I had a great Christmas with my new husband.  I love being married.  Here is a link to the video of our first Christmas together.

I miss my family.  This was my first Christmas without them.  But, Roger's family is very nice and I had a good Christmas with them.  I think everyone in my family had a hard time this ear, since this was our first year of not spending Christmas at our house.  When I talked to my mom, she said that everybody felt a little weird about it.  

Monday, December 24, 2001

Christmas Eve 2001

Monday - December 24th
Yesterday we spent the morning relaxing and visiting with my parents.  We burned a few CDs for us then we went to church.  After Church, we went to Linda's house to eat Sunday Dinner.  That was a lot of fun.  I love seeing my nieces and nephews.  We left Linda's and went to Costco's.  My parents needed to buy some Christmas presents that they wanted us to deliver to Kristy and Kari.  They also bought a present for Roger and I.  We got back from the store, finished burning our CDs, got a package from the Birds (they asked if we would drop it off in Lehi. Their son would meet us and pick it), and left for home.
The weather was good so the drive home wasn't bad.  We got to Lehi and met the Bird's son at 8:20 pm, then we went to Eagle Mountain and dropped off Kari and Glen's gift.  We finally got home around 9:10 pm.  We had both drank Mountain Dew on the way to help us stay awake, so we both had a really hard time falling asleep last night.
Roger had to work today, but luckily he didn't have to work all day.  He came home around 1:00pm.  He wanted to surprise me, so when he called from work, he told me that he had a big load to deliver so he didn't know when he'd get off work.  So, I thought he wasn't going to get home until much later.
I babysat Canyon and sierra today.  They spent the night.  They slept upstairs with Grandma Moser.  After Roger left to work, I ran on my treadmill.  Sierra came down while I was running, so I quit my workout a little sooner than planned, so I could play with her.  We made music.  I pulled out my guitar and karaoke machine.  I played the guitar and Sierra sang.  She made up a song about how she loves her parents and she loves playing downstairs and singing while I play the guitar.  I had fun playing with the kids and trying to get things done (like the laundry and moving Roger's things from his old room to the basement).  I was supposed to deposit a check for Roger.  I almost forgot about it.  I remembered when Joyce came down and told me that she needed to run to the store.  I told her about the checks and she said she would deposit them for me.  The lines at the bank were really long and she didn't have time to wait, so she had to leave and do her other things, but luckily, she was able to find a bank with shorter lines and get it deposited in time.
I'm really emotional today.  Probably because it is the holidays and this is the first year of not spending it with my parents.  I've cried a lot today, because I miss my family and my old house.  But, I am very happy, I'm having a good day, and I'm excited to spend my first Christmas with my husband.  I love roger so much and he makes me so happy.  He came home from work early and brought me home some flowers.  It was such a nice surprise.  I loved it!  
We celebrated Christmas Eve with Roger's mom tonight.  I made Cheese ball.  So, we ate cheese ball and drank sparkling cider while listening to Christmas music.  Then we sat in the living room by the tree while Roger read the story of Jesus' birth to us.  After that, we talked about how much we appreciate our savior and the sacrifices he made.  We sat around talking for a while and it was a lot of fun.  I love my new family!  Roger is great!  Tomorrow we get to spend our first Christmas together.  Our first Christmas Eve together was great!  I loved it and I'm really looking forward to tomorrow.

Saturday, December 22, 2001

The Bone Family Christmas Party - December 22, 2001

Saturday - December 22nd
After we woke up, Roger and I went to the lodge to take our showers and get ready for the day.  There's not enough hot water for us all to use the 5th wheel shower.  There were showers in the men's room and lady's room.  We went to our separate rooms to shower, but Roger finished before I did, so he came into the lady's room to see if I was done.  I had just finished and was getting dressed when he came in.  Roger was only in there for a little while.  We figured it was okay because there was no one else in the building.  But somebody else came and as Roger was leaving the lady's room, a woman was walking in.  We both felt really embarrassed about that.
After we showered, we went four-wheeling at Red Cliffs.  Then we went out to eat at a Chinese Buffet that Roger really likes (we go there every time we are in St. George) with my mom and dad, Missy, and my parent's friends (Jack and Joan Bird).  After that, we went back to the 5th wheel and took a nap.
After our naps, we got ready and went to the Bone Family Christmas Party.  It was at 4:00 pm at a church in St. George.  It was fun to see all of my cousins and family that I don't see very often.  When the party was over, we played basketball for about an hour, then we went over to the gull's and visited with them.  We had a really fun day.

Friday, December 21, 2001

A trip to St. George and Kristen's Birthday - December 21, 2001

Friday - December 21st
I took some pictures of the little home that we made for ourselves in Roger's mom's basement.  I think we made it look very nice and homey.  I spent the morning, sewing Christmas pajama bottoms for Kristin, Elizabeth, Missy, and Myself.  I also did the laundry and packed our bags for our trip.  Roger got off work early today so we could head to St. George.  Here is the video tour of our home in the basement. 
It snowed for most of the drive, but the roads weren't too bad.  I drove for most of the way, until the roads started to get bad, then Roger took over.  We got to St. George around 7:30 pm.
Kristin is 5 years old today.  It feels like it was not that long ago when she came home from the hospital.  She was born prematurely and they really didn't think that she was going to make it.  She was in the hospital for 3 months after she was born.  When she came home, she still had to be hooked up to oxygen.  I started babysitting Kristin the month that she came home from the hospital.  I loved holding her, she was such a cute baby.  Taking care of her all the time made, me long for the time when I would have a baby of my own.  I loved taking care of her and Elizabeth.  This is the first year that I haven't taken care of them.  I had felt like they were my children.  I was there for so much of their lives.  It was so hard to quit babysitting them.  I cried a lot.  I really miss those kids.  I miss Shelley's kids a lot also.  I spent so much time with them.  It was really hard for me when they all moved to St. George.
I love coming to visit everybody in St.George.  I miss my family so much.  It feels good to be here in St. George.  Kristin's birthday party started at 8:00pm.  Kristin is so cute!  She seems shy.  I don't know if she liked all of that attention.  Actually, I'm sure she liked it, but she is just shy and not sure how to handle it.  She made some cute faces.  You can see those cute faces in this video I took of Kristen's birthday fun.
We, unknowingly, parked in someones parking spot at Linda's.  Whomever it was, came home and, since we were in their spot, they parked behind us and blocked us in.  So, leaving Linda's was a little difficult.  But we managed.  Now we are back at the Folk's house.  Also known as "the 5th wheel" or "the wheels"

Tuesday, December 18, 2001

Temple Night - December 18, 2001

Tuesday - December 18th
Tuesdays are our temple night.  We usually go with our friends the Kastellers.  Jamie Kasteller is a friend I grew up with.  Her maiden name is Jamie Larsen.  The funny thing about her and I is that we have known each other all our lives.  We were in the nursery at church together.  I mean, we have always known each other.  Although, we knew of each other and saw each other regularly, we never talked to each other.  We were both too shy.  It wasn't until my junior year of high school that we spoke to each other for the first time.  What happened was, we both walked into our gym class on the first day of school .  I looked around and realized that I didn't have any friends in my gym class.  I didn't know anybody in there, except for Jamie.  I noticed her looking around the same way I was.  She realized she didn't have any friends in that class also.  Since, she was somebody that was familiar, I walked over to her and said, "Hi."  We started talking and realized that we had so much in common and instantly became good friends.  We laugh about how we knew each other all our lives, but never talked until we were 17.
Anyway, so, we went to the Bountiful Temple today.  It was very beautiful.  Besides the temple, my day wasn't too exciting.  I went shopping at Walmart with Linda and bought some Christmas stuff.  After that, I came home and made Roger some dinner.  I feel bad that I never cook for him.  I don't cook for him, because we are living at his mom's house and I don't have my own kitchen.  Anyway, I decided to feed him tonight, because I saw this really fun cute idea in the Taste of Home Magazine.  I made him breakfast for dinner.  It was french toast, bacon, scrambled eggs, and hot chocolate.  I arranged the french toast triangles over a slice of bacon, so it looked like a Christmas tree.  Then I used an orange to make a sunshine to the side and slightly above it.  I should have taken a picture, because describing it doesn't do it justice.  I served it on our cute Christmas dishes that Cindi had given us.  It was a very cute meal.  roger was surprised and he said he like it.  We had a good day.

Saturday, December 15, 2001

I'm Moody - December 15, 2001

Saturday - December 15th
I am so moody lately and especially moody today.  I feel so frustrated with myself for being so grumpy and fussy about everything and I feel so bad for Roger having to be married to such a fussy, grumpy, crazy person.  I wish I had more control over my emotions.  I was supposed to go job hunting this week.  That was my goal everyday this week.  I ended up only going once.  I applied at Walmart.  One of the days I had a really bad tummy ache all day, so I was afraid to be too far away from a bathroom.  Another day, I got a ton of phone calls.  It was really weird.  It was like every person I knew was thinking about me that day.  I loved to stay home and talk on the phone.  One of the days, I just really didn't want to go, so I didn't.  I know that I need to get a job and it will help us out in a major way.  I just really don't want to.  The plan is, that I will work until I get pregnant, then I can quit.  We both agreed that no matter what our financial situation, I will always stay home with our children.  I have never been good at holding down a job and the thought of going out and getting a new one is really unappealing.
Somehow I need to get out of my bad mood.  We have friends coming over in a little while and I want us to all be able to have fun.  I really don't like being moody.  I'm an emotional eater and I have been eating way to much today, so now I feel fat and ugly, which is really not helping me get out of my bad mood.  Also, when I'm moody, I really get homesick for my family and the house that I grew up in.  Hopefully, I can get my emotions in control soon.

Tuesday, December 11, 2001

A Regular Day - December 11, 2001

Tuesday - December 11, 2001
Woke up, made Roger's lunch, ate a bowl of cereal
with Roger, said Good-bye, Roger left to work, I went to Kari's house to babysit, loaded
the car with more of my stuff that I had been storing there, came home, unloaded the car,
called Roger, set up my sewing machine, sewed my temple bag,  ran on my treadmill,
Roger stopped by to say, "Hi." for a minute then headed back to work, got in the shower,
did my hair, sewed my shirt so it fit better, Roger came home from work, we ate dinner,
watched a show on TV, played the piano then the guitar while  Roger played Playstation and
Nintendo 64, Karaoked while Roger took a shower, looked at Roger's missionary books, said
our prayers, and now we are going to bed.
I have been thinking a lot about my friends today.  I really miss them.  Rachel and Janae
are on missions, I see Regan and Marque sometimes (but not very often), Jenny Springman
has changed so much and our lives are on very different paths now, making it so we never
see each other.   It is weird how things change.  My friends and I used to try and predict
how our futures would go. Rachel always said she would never serve a mission. We all thought
Jenny Springman would remain strong in the church and be the first one in the group to get
married. We all knew that I would be the last one married,. It turned out that I was the first
one to get married., Rachel is on her mission now, and Jenny is far from where anyone would
have predicted for her. I really hope that she finds her way soon. 

Saturday, December 8, 2001

New Driver's License and Temple Square - December 8, 2001

Saturday - December 8, 2001
I went to get a a new driver's license today.  I was excited about that, because
I didn't like the picture on my old one.  so now I have a license with a good picture
and one that doesn't say, "under 21" in the corner.  I felt really tired for most of
the day, so I didn't get too much accomplished.  Roger had to work until 3:45 or so.
When Roger got home, we cleaned the basement a little, then we went to Temple Square.
We met our friends, Tyson Waite and Jenny Springman there.
It was really fun to go to Temple Square and see the lights.  My testimony
of the church has grown so much this last month and I appreciate the temple
so much more.

Tuesday, December 4, 2001

Our Honeymoon - December 4, 2001

Tuesday - December 4, 2001
We are home from our honeymoon.  We had so much fun!  Here are the videos we took of our fun.

Our Wedding - November 29, 2001

Thursday - November 29, 2001
There was a big snow storm on our wedding day.  It snowed just about all day. It was sad, because not as many people were able to make it, but it was good because it was so beautiful.  I love the snow!  The funny thing is that when I would daydream about my wedding when I was younger, I imagined that there would be snow.
When I had my bridal pictures taken, I had Kari style my hair and help my with my makeup. I never wear make up and it took forever to get my hair out of that hairstyle so I could go to bed afterward.  It was really uncomfortable and I just didn't feel like myself.  I really didn't love it, but everybody else said they did and that I looked so beautiful.  Since this is what people normally do for their weddings, I decided that I would wake up really early, so Kari could help me style my hair and put on all that make up again for my wedding day.  I really wasn't looking forward to doing that and I really didn't love the way that it looked.  When I woke up at 4:00 am that morning to get ready, I was really dreading it.  Then I started thinking about how I wouldn't feel like myself all day and how, when the day was finished, it would take me forever to get my hair out of that style so I could sleep.  I just really didn't like the thought of all of that.  So I decided not to do it.  I wanted to be comfortable and feel like myself.  So I styled my own hair in a simple comfortable style and the only make up I wore was mascara.  I knew people would judge, but I didn't care.  I felt pretty and I was comfortable and I didn't have to waste precious hours getting my hair and face back to normal afterward.  There was an unkind comment made about my lack of a hairstyle, but I really didn't care.  There was nothing that could bring me down on that day.
Driving to the temple in the morning was a little scary.  Roger got to the temple before I did and he was really worried about me.  He got in a small fender bender at the gas station on his way to the temple.  The roads were really icy.  My Mom and I got to the temple around 9:00am.  They had Roger and I wait in the celestial room while our guests were arriving.  A few guests had called the temple to let us know they were on their way, but were running late because of the bad driving conditions.  So they postponed the ceremony for a little while to let more people get there.
After the ceremony we went outside and had pictures taken.  It was very cold, but I was so happy that I didn't care.  After pictures Roger and I went and got ready for a wedding lunch at the Maddox.  I really loved our wedding lunch.  While we were eating people took turns to stand up and say a few words and congratulate us.  It was a fun way to get to know everybody there.  At one point, while Roger was speaking, Kiara (who is 2, almost 3 years old) stood up on her chair and proudly announced, "Roger is my uncle!"  It was so cute!  After lunch, Roger and I packed our stuff for our honeymoon, picked up our wedding video, and ran some other errands before the wedding reception.  I loved my wedding reception.  We had Karoake.  I sang a song to Roger.  He sang a song with me.  It was very enjoyable. 
After the reception, we went to the car wash to wash our decorated car.  They had covered it in dish soap.  It was pretty annoying trying to get that off.  We spent our first night together at the Anniversary Inn.  We stayed in the room called 'The Enchanted Forest'.  It was a really cool room.  Our bed was in a tree!  I loved it!

Monday, November 26, 2001

November 26, 2001 - Wedding video

Roger and I went to Temple Square and had our wedding video filmed.  They asked us to talk to the camera and tell our story of how we met and our dating experiences.  Then they had us go outside and play in the snow while they filmed us.  It was a little hard to play and act like the camera wasn't there, but we did it.  Roger was really playing it up for the camera.  It was fun.  I'm going to share a little part of our wedding video as soon as I get it, I'll add it to the end of this post.

Friday, November 23, 2001

November 23, 2001

I love Roger so much!  He is all I ever think about.  I just feel so lucky to have him.  I need to be married to him already!  We have 5 more days to go, and I can hardly handle it!  I feel like these next 5 days are going to be the longest days of my life.  Time is just not moving fast enough for me.
I had my last bridal shower last night.  It was a lot of fun.  I love bridal showers that are for me!Roger's mom threw this shower for me.  She doesn't like to play all of the usual games, instead we sat around and talked.  She had questions for me, so everyone could get to know me.  Then there were questions for everyone else, so I could get to know them.  A lot of the questions were about being married, like: "What surprised you the most about your husband after you were married?", "What was the cheapest date and the most expensive date you've gone on?", and "What thing was the hardest for you to get used to about married life?"  I had a lot of fun getting to know everybody.  I also really enjoyed being the center of attention.   My mom came to the shower with me.  All of the other guest were relatives of Roger.
I'm really glad that my mom was able to make it.  My parents left St. George around 12:30pm.  They came, so my mom could attend the shower and they had a funeral to go to the next day.  The funeral was for Grant Maxwell's wife (I don't remember her name. I did not know her very well).  The Maxwells live in the little red house down the lane behind the house I grew up in.  I know Grant Maxwell because he was Grandpa Mathison's fishing buddy.  Anyway... I'm glad my parents are here.  I really miss them when we are not living together.  I'm feeling really grateful right now for the wonderful life that I have been blessed with.  I really want to thank my parents for all that they have done for me.  They are the best parents and they gave me sooo... much!  I love that I was raised in the gospel.  I love the knowledge that I have and I can't wait to get married in the temple and be sealed to my husband forever!

Thursday, November 22, 2001

Thanksgiving - November 22, 2001

Thursday - November 22, 2001
My first Thanksgiving with Roger's family was a lot of fun.  The VanBibber's brought  some friends of theirs to come and celebrate with us also.  It was very nice.  I really enjoyed the dinner.  I was a little disappointed in myself.  I talked up my cheese ball to everybody, then I decided to try something just a little different and it didn't turn out very well.  It wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as it normally is.  We all watched the movie 'Shrek' after dinner.  One thing that they do that I'm not used to, is they have a lot of pie.  We always have pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving, but they go above and beyond that.  They had a pumpkin pie along with a ton of other pies.  They had every flavor of pie you could think of.  I'm not much of a pie person, but it wasn't bad.  I think I can get used to that.

Wednesday, November 21, 2001

Pretend Camping and Cooking Show - November 21, 2001

Wednesday - November 21, 2001
Roger's mom wasn't too happy when she heard about us all sliding down her stairs, but we had sooo  much fun playing our pretend hiking and camping game.  Roger was the hottie ranger.  He warned us that there was a bear in the area, before we went on our long hike to our camp ground.  WE turned off all of the lights and used flashlights to find our way.  We should have left earlier in the day so we didn't have to hike in the dark.  I love playing pretend!  So we hiked over all the furniture, then we came to a big waterfall (the stairs).  The only way to get to our campground was to go down the huge waterfall.  So down we went!  At the bottom of the waterfall, we had a little hiking left to do before we found our campsite.  Luckily, someone had gone before us and had the tent already set up.  We huddled in the tent with a flashlight and started to tell ghost stories, when we heard a noise.  Something was outside of our tent, but we couldn't see what it was because it was so dark.  We stayed huddled in a corner of the tent, with a blanket over our heads.  All of the sudden, a big scary bear (Roger) came into our tent!  We all screamed and tried to run away.  He grabbed a hold of my arm, but I managed to slip away from him and we raced back up the mountains, trying to get to the ranger station where we knew the hottie ranger was so he could save us.  The bear caught up to us and grabbed my leg.  I fell to the ground and it started dragging me toward it.  Missy and Becca grabbed a hold of me and tried to pull me to safety.  I don't remember how we ended the game ended, but I do remember that we had sooo... much fun!  Here is the scrapbook page I made of our fun.
 After our camping game, we decided to watch a movie.  A movie is no good with out popcorn, so we headed to the kitchen to make some.  Then we decided to make a cooking show of us making the popcorn.  My dorky brain, just won't stop!  We can't even make popcorn with out it becoming another dorky fun game.  During our show, Roger's mom came home.  She started to fix herself some food and we pretended that she was an intruder trying to ruin our show.  We yelled for "Security!" so Missy came and tried to remove her from the kitchen.  We had fun.  I have no idea what movie we ended up watching. 

Monday, November 12, 2001

Babysitting - November 12, 2001

Monday - November 12, 2001
I love babysitting my Niece and Nephew, Kiara and Damen.  I think they are so cute and funny and very entertaining.  Here are a few pictures of us hanging out in their backyard and eating graham crackers.

Sunday, November 11, 2001

St. George for Bridal Shower and Bachelorette Party - November 11, 2001

November 9, 2001
My friends and I all headed to St. George to have a bachelorette party and also go to the bridal shower that my sister, Missy, threw for me.  Roger and his friend, Tyson, also came along for all of the fun.  We had to separate into two cars.  I rode in Marque's car with Rachel and Lindsay.  I had my video camera with me and we entertained ourselves by playing a funny game I made up.  We pretended that we were on a show where 4 girls were stuck in a car.  We each took turns talking about our experiences while we were in the car.  I'm pretty sure that's the game we were playing.  I come up with so many dorky games that it's hard to keep them all straight.  It was fun and it made the drive go by fast.  We started out by introducing ourselves, then we talked about our experiences in the car, then I felt like we needed some conflict, so we came up with some conflict.  Then we resolved the conflict and ended our show because the battery was dying on the camera and I think we were all getting bored with the video.

Here are the pictures from my bridal shower.  The party was held at Linda's house and hosted by Missy.  The party was a lot of fun.  I loved all of it, except for the bubble gum game.  She asked Roger some questions before the party.  During the party she asked me the same questions about Roger.  Every time I got a question wrong, I had to put a piece of bubble gum in my mouth.  I ended up missing a lot of them.  She asked things like what his favorite cartoon is - I was pretty clueless.  There were a few of them, that I knew, but Roger had answered differently than he had told me.  I was so frustrated! 

 After the Bridal shower, we got together with a bunch of friends from Dixie College.  It was so fun to see everybody again.

Saturday, October 27, 2001

Bridal Pictures - October 27, 2001

Saturday - October 27th
 My friend, Regan, took my bridal pictures for me.  Here are just a few of the pictures she took.

Friday, October 26, 2001

Pretend Camping - October 26, 2001

Friday - October 26th

My new niece and nephew were over at Roger's Mom's house.  I had so much fun getting to know them.  We set up my tent and played pretend hiking and camping.  I love playing dorky games!  We had a lot of fun!

Monday, October 22, 2001

Roger and Jenny Pictures - October 22, 2001

Monday - October 22nd

We don't have a lot of pictures of us together, since we haven't known each other that long.  So, we have been busy, trying to get enough pictures of us for our wedding video.  also, we need a good picture to put on our wedding invitation.

Yesterday was my birthday.  Roger was so good to me on my birthday.  I feel bad, because I had a bad attitude.  The problem was, that he woke me up.  He woke me up to give me breakfast in bed, which was super nice.  I'm just not  morning person and I was a little fussy with him.  He made me pancakes and he had real maple syrup to go with it.  I've never had real maple syrup and I'm a picky eater.  I was excited about trying something new.  The gift he gave me was awesome though.  He bought us tickets to go to an Allison Kraus concert.  I was really excited about that.  Roger went out of his way to make my birthday special and for some reason, I couldn't shake the fussiness I was feeling.  I was thankful and happy about all he did for me, but I didn't show it very well.  I feel bad.  I apologized to him and did my best to make it all better and let him know how much I love everything he did.  I don't know why I was so fussy.

Tuesday, October 16, 2001

Jenny Springman's Birthday! - October 16, 2001

Tuesday - October 16, 2001
These are pictures from my friend, Jenny Springman's Birthday party.  I made a sunshine cake for her.  We celebrated her birthday at Regan's house.  After having cake and ice cream, we all sat outside on the trampoline and played our favorite game, called 'What If?'  Hoe you play is, you cut a bunch of strips of paper.  You pass a paper and pencil to everyone and have them write a what if question.  Then they fold their paper and put it in a pile in the middle of the circle that everyone is sitting in or in a container.  When everybody has put their papers in, everybody gets to reach in and grab a question, and write an answer for it.  Then they fold it again and throw it back in the pile.  When everybody is done, we each grab a paper from the middle and take turns reading the question and answer out loud to everybody.  I love this game soooo... much!  It ends up being so funny, because we always ask the most ridiculous questions about each other.

Monday, October 8, 2001

Damen and Kiara - October 8, 2001

Monday - October 8, 2001
Damen and Kiara are so cute, funny, and so much fun to be around.

Sunday, October 7, 2001

Hangin' With The Family - October 7, 2001

October 7, 2001

Hanging out in St. George with my family.
Hannah showed off her bike riding skills. She taught herself how to ride a bike with no training wheels. Impressive!
Roger and I being dorks.  We're good at that.
 Shelley doesn't like it when I take her picture, so she always hides or covers her face. It's sad, but that's why it's fun to try and get a picture of her.  The other pictures are of Elizabeth, Kristin, and Missy.  Missy got some really cute toe socks that I was really jealous of.
 Going for a little walk about with shelley, Hannah, Ben, and Alex.
 Ben is such a cute little baby.

Saturday, October 6, 2001

Taking Pictures For Wedding Announcement - October 6, 2001

Saturday - October 6th

 We went to St. George to visit my family again.  I love to be with my family as much as possible.  We spent the day in Brian Head. My dad got a new 4-wheeler.  My sister Missy was especially excited to try it out.

We rode the 4-wheeler and took a lot of pictures, hoping to get a good one to use on our wedding invitation.
Here's my sister, Missy.  I love hanging out with my sister Missy.  We always have so much fun together.
This is my niece, Kristin and my nephew, Alex.
 Roger and I goofing off.

 Here we are at the start of our 4-wheeler ride.  Uncle Orsin said that he had a good place for us to take pictures for our wedding invites. 
 Uncle Orsin pretending to hit us before our 4-wheeler trip.
This is the beautiful place that he suggested we take our pictures.  We ended up using one of the pictures taken here.  The picture below is one that didn't work out, because I was making a weird face.  I need to do some more digging to find a copy of the picture that we actually used.

Friday, October 5, 2001

My Wedding Dress - October 5, 2001

Friday - October 5, 2001

I got my wedding dress!  I could hardly wait to show it off!

Monday, October 1, 2001

The Dress I want - October 1, 2001

Monday - October 1st

My friend, Marque, took my to a store in Bountiful.  She knew the lady that owned the shop, so she was thinking that she could help me get a good deal.  Jenny and Regan came also.  I had so much fun.  I loved trying on dresses.  It was so fun to be the center of attention.  I loved that every time I walked out of the dressing room, they all ooohhed and awwwed.  I had never experienced anything like that before.  I loved it!  I tried on a ton of dresses, but nothing was as cute as the first dress that I tried on.  They didn't have the dress in my size.  I went dress shopping at a few other stores.  They weren't as fun, because I went by myself.  It's so much better when other people come and tell you how pretty you are.  At a dress shop in Provo, I told the owner about the dress from the other shop that I loved so much.  He told me that all he needed was a number off of the tag and he would be able to get me that same dress for a lower price.  I went to the bountiful store, found the dress, and asked the lady if I could take some pictures of it, so I could show my family.  I took a close up picture of the tag, so I could show the Provo shop.  The Provo shop was so helpful.  They sold me the dress for less money and said they'd have it in the shop in no time at all.

Sunday, September 23, 2001

I Moved! - September 23, 2001

Sunday - September 23, 2001 

 I moved in with my sister, Kari.  She lives in Eagle Mountain.  I'm going to be babysitting her kids for her.  I love babysitting Damen and Kiara, they are so cute and fun. 
 Cute little Kiara
Cute little Damen
 Roger and I were bored.

Saturday, August 25, 2001

Bone Family Reunion - August 25, 2001

Saturday - August 25th

I went to St. George for a Bone Family Reunion.  It was so fun to spend time with my family.  I've always loved family reunions.  The reunion was held at the Brown's cabin in Brian Head.