Monday, December 24, 2001

Christmas Eve 2001

Monday - December 24th
Yesterday we spent the morning relaxing and visiting with my parents.  We burned a few CDs for us then we went to church.  After Church, we went to Linda's house to eat Sunday Dinner.  That was a lot of fun.  I love seeing my nieces and nephews.  We left Linda's and went to Costco's.  My parents needed to buy some Christmas presents that they wanted us to deliver to Kristy and Kari.  They also bought a present for Roger and I.  We got back from the store, finished burning our CDs, got a package from the Birds (they asked if we would drop it off in Lehi. Their son would meet us and pick it), and left for home.
The weather was good so the drive home wasn't bad.  We got to Lehi and met the Bird's son at 8:20 pm, then we went to Eagle Mountain and dropped off Kari and Glen's gift.  We finally got home around 9:10 pm.  We had both drank Mountain Dew on the way to help us stay awake, so we both had a really hard time falling asleep last night.
Roger had to work today, but luckily he didn't have to work all day.  He came home around 1:00pm.  He wanted to surprise me, so when he called from work, he told me that he had a big load to deliver so he didn't know when he'd get off work.  So, I thought he wasn't going to get home until much later.
I babysat Canyon and sierra today.  They spent the night.  They slept upstairs with Grandma Moser.  After Roger left to work, I ran on my treadmill.  Sierra came down while I was running, so I quit my workout a little sooner than planned, so I could play with her.  We made music.  I pulled out my guitar and karaoke machine.  I played the guitar and Sierra sang.  She made up a song about how she loves her parents and she loves playing downstairs and singing while I play the guitar.  I had fun playing with the kids and trying to get things done (like the laundry and moving Roger's things from his old room to the basement).  I was supposed to deposit a check for Roger.  I almost forgot about it.  I remembered when Joyce came down and told me that she needed to run to the store.  I told her about the checks and she said she would deposit them for me.  The lines at the bank were really long and she didn't have time to wait, so she had to leave and do her other things, but luckily, she was able to find a bank with shorter lines and get it deposited in time.
I'm really emotional today.  Probably because it is the holidays and this is the first year of not spending it with my parents.  I've cried a lot today, because I miss my family and my old house.  But, I am very happy, I'm having a good day, and I'm excited to spend my first Christmas with my husband.  I love roger so much and he makes me so happy.  He came home from work early and brought me home some flowers.  It was such a nice surprise.  I loved it!  
We celebrated Christmas Eve with Roger's mom tonight.  I made Cheese ball.  So, we ate cheese ball and drank sparkling cider while listening to Christmas music.  Then we sat in the living room by the tree while Roger read the story of Jesus' birth to us.  After that, we talked about how much we appreciate our savior and the sacrifices he made.  We sat around talking for a while and it was a lot of fun.  I love my new family!  Roger is great!  Tomorrow we get to spend our first Christmas together.  Our first Christmas Eve together was great!  I loved it and I'm really looking forward to tomorrow.

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