Tuesday, December 11, 2001

A Regular Day - December 11, 2001

Tuesday - December 11, 2001
Woke up, made Roger's lunch, ate a bowl of cereal
with Roger, said Good-bye, Roger left to work, I went to Kari's house to babysit, loaded
the car with more of my stuff that I had been storing there, came home, unloaded the car,
called Roger, set up my sewing machine, sewed my temple bag,  ran on my treadmill,
Roger stopped by to say, "Hi." for a minute then headed back to work, got in the shower,
did my hair, sewed my shirt so it fit better, Roger came home from work, we ate dinner,
watched a show on TV, played the piano then the guitar while  Roger played Playstation and
Nintendo 64, Karaoked while Roger took a shower, looked at Roger's missionary books, said
our prayers, and now we are going to bed.
I have been thinking a lot about my friends today.  I really miss them.  Rachel and Janae
are on missions, I see Regan and Marque sometimes (but not very often), Jenny Springman
has changed so much and our lives are on very different paths now, making it so we never
see each other.   It is weird how things change.  My friends and I used to try and predict
how our futures would go. Rachel always said she would never serve a mission. We all thought
Jenny Springman would remain strong in the church and be the first one in the group to get
married. We all knew that I would be the last one married,. It turned out that I was the first
one to get married., Rachel is on her mission now, and Jenny is far from where anyone would
have predicted for her. I really hope that she finds her way soon. 

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