Tuesday, December 18, 2001

Temple Night - December 18, 2001

Tuesday - December 18th
Tuesdays are our temple night.  We usually go with our friends the Kastellers.  Jamie Kasteller is a friend I grew up with.  Her maiden name is Jamie Larsen.  The funny thing about her and I is that we have known each other all our lives.  We were in the nursery at church together.  I mean, we have always known each other.  Although, we knew of each other and saw each other regularly, we never talked to each other.  We were both too shy.  It wasn't until my junior year of high school that we spoke to each other for the first time.  What happened was, we both walked into our gym class on the first day of school .  I looked around and realized that I didn't have any friends in my gym class.  I didn't know anybody in there, except for Jamie.  I noticed her looking around the same way I was.  She realized she didn't have any friends in that class also.  Since, she was somebody that was familiar, I walked over to her and said, "Hi."  We started talking and realized that we had so much in common and instantly became good friends.  We laugh about how we knew each other all our lives, but never talked until we were 17.
Anyway, so, we went to the Bountiful Temple today.  It was very beautiful.  Besides the temple, my day wasn't too exciting.  I went shopping at Walmart with Linda and bought some Christmas stuff.  After that, I came home and made Roger some dinner.  I feel bad that I never cook for him.  I don't cook for him, because we are living at his mom's house and I don't have my own kitchen.  Anyway, I decided to feed him tonight, because I saw this really fun cute idea in the Taste of Home Magazine.  I made him breakfast for dinner.  It was french toast, bacon, scrambled eggs, and hot chocolate.  I arranged the french toast triangles over a slice of bacon, so it looked like a Christmas tree.  Then I used an orange to make a sunshine to the side and slightly above it.  I should have taken a picture, because describing it doesn't do it justice.  I served it on our cute Christmas dishes that Cindi had given us.  It was a very cute meal.  roger was surprised and he said he like it.  We had a good day.

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