Saturday, December 15, 2001

I'm Moody - December 15, 2001

Saturday - December 15th
I am so moody lately and especially moody today.  I feel so frustrated with myself for being so grumpy and fussy about everything and I feel so bad for Roger having to be married to such a fussy, grumpy, crazy person.  I wish I had more control over my emotions.  I was supposed to go job hunting this week.  That was my goal everyday this week.  I ended up only going once.  I applied at Walmart.  One of the days I had a really bad tummy ache all day, so I was afraid to be too far away from a bathroom.  Another day, I got a ton of phone calls.  It was really weird.  It was like every person I knew was thinking about me that day.  I loved to stay home and talk on the phone.  One of the days, I just really didn't want to go, so I didn't.  I know that I need to get a job and it will help us out in a major way.  I just really don't want to.  The plan is, that I will work until I get pregnant, then I can quit.  We both agreed that no matter what our financial situation, I will always stay home with our children.  I have never been good at holding down a job and the thought of going out and getting a new one is really unappealing.
Somehow I need to get out of my bad mood.  We have friends coming over in a little while and I want us to all be able to have fun.  I really don't like being moody.  I'm an emotional eater and I have been eating way to much today, so now I feel fat and ugly, which is really not helping me get out of my bad mood.  Also, when I'm moody, I really get homesick for my family and the house that I grew up in.  Hopefully, I can get my emotions in control soon.

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