Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Running For Vice President - September 30, 2015

Wednesday - September 30th
Alissa decided to run for Vice President of her class at school.  This is the poster idea we came up with.
We took a lot of pictures, so she had a lot to choose from.  She was trying to move her arms and exaggerate her movements for the picture.  At first we took the pictures on the grass by the town house, but after looking at those we decided it would be better to take them out in the street.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Tammy's Birthday - September 28, 2015

Monday - September 28th
We got invited to Tammy Beverly's birthday party.  They had a princess themed birthday party for her.  It was a lot of fun to go and hang out with them.  I really like the Beverlys.  I'm glad that we got to go and that Tammy got to have such a fun birthday.  It was supposed to be a surprise party for her, but her son, Ben ended up telling her about it before it happened.  She wasn't surprised, but she was happy to have the party.  Merikae came to the party.  I haven't seen or talked to her in a really long time, so that was fun.
Merikae gave Alissa and I a ride home from the party and we had a lot of fun visiting with her.  The missionaries were out and about and stopped by for a quick visit also.  I guess they had been meeting with Merikae's husband.  So, they were surprised to see Merikae when they stopped at our house.  It was a fun day.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Home from Salt Lake - September 27, 2015

Sunday - September 27th
I stayed up late last night helping Kari clean her house.  She is thinking about selling it.  I helped deep clean the bathrooms and she spent a lot of time going through stuff.  She had a lot of fun school supplies that she gave us.  The kids were so excited about that.  These are the pictures we took in the morning.  Parker took a lot of pictures of just him, but they were all the same picture.  I think he was trying out an option on the phone that makes it take multiple shots.  Alissa, as always, was the last one out of bed.  She is a night owl and definitely not a morning person.
 In the morning, we did a little more cleaning, but we were pretty tired from last night.  We loaded some of the stuff Kari gave us in to her car.  She got a new vehicle and was excited to show it to us.  Since the kids have school tomorrow and Roger had some other stuff to do in Salt Lake, Kari gave us a ride home.  We got home around 6:00 or 7:00.  The kids were so excited to go through all of the stuff Kari had given us.  Brinley especially loved these shoes from Kari.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Going to Salt Lake - September 26, 2015

Saturday - September 26th
We went to Salt Lake this weekend.  Dan invited us to go to his son's birthday party.  They had it at a the church.  The kids were being funny on the drive there.  They had their new sunglasses (that we got at the bank in Logan) on and they were dancing to the music.  I love our goofy kids!

The party was fun.  The kids got to run around and play, Roger visited with Dan and his family, and I got to snuggle with Dan's new little baby girl.  She is so cute!  Also, we got to try eating hotdogs in a very different way.  Dan's wife is from Chile.  They eat their hotdogs on a bun with tomatoes and avocado. I really didn't think it was going to taste that good, but I loved it!  It was really good.
The party was almost over, when Grandma Mathison called to check on me.  She was wondering how things were going with the house.  I talked to her for a while.  It was good.  The last time I had talked to her was after she had another stroke.  She had 3 strokes!  She was kind of out of it when I had last talked to her and it made me really sad and scared for her.  I've been wanting to talk to her but I was afraid to call and bother her.  Each time she had a stroke, they were able to get her to the hospital fast enough that no permanent damage was done.  Her second stroke happened while she was on the phone talking with Linda about her first stroke.  It is so scary.  I know Grandma is ready to go, but I don't want her to.  I'm going to miss her a lot.  She sounds like she is feeling a lot better since the last time we talked.  She told me that the doctor told her there was nothing they could do to stop her from having another stroke.  He told her to go home and live her life.  Don't sit and wait to die.  Enjoy the time you have left.  She has had lots of family around her since it happened.  My Aunts and Uncles all rushed to be with her while she was struggling.  I'm glad that she is not lonely and she has so much family that can be there for her.
After the party, The kids and I went to Kari's house to spend the night and Roger went to Dan's house to hang out.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Jumping on the Trampoline - September 24, 2015

Thursday - September 24th
One of the kids took 2 pictures with my camera yesterday.  I can't remember who it was, but if I had to guess, I'd say it was Parker.  That's just a Parker thing to do.  One picture is of Malaiyah.  It looks like she came to the door, someone answered it, and Parker snapped a picture.  The other picture is of me.
I didn't write in my journal so I can't remember much else from that day.
Today we needed to print, sign, copy, then email some paper work for getting our house.  MaryAnn has been super helpful at letting us come and use her internet and printer.  She is too kind.  The kids all came with me today.  While MaryAnn and I talked, they were outside jumping on the trampoline.  I took some pictures and a short video of their fun.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

I'm sick - September 19, 2015

Saturday - September 19th
I can't remember the last time I was this sick.  I think it might have been in the spring of 2009 when I had pneumonia.  This time I just have step throat,  but it is worse than I have ever experienced it before.  It is horrible!  I've been in bed for 3 days straight now.  The sickness cane on really bad and really fast on Wednesday night.  I went to a meeting at the kids' school.  I felt a little yucky at the start of the meeting,  but by the time it was over, I was shaking uncontrollably.  It just hit me so hard.  I started driving home and I could just feel it getting worse and worse. I pulled over before I got home because I was so sick I needed to cry.  I didn't want to scare the kids by coming home crying,  so I tried to get my emotions under control and I messaged Roger to come home ASAP.  I did my best to calm down,  then headed home.  I walked in the door and just busted into tears.  I tried so hard not to do that, but I failed big time.  It scared the kids.  They were so worried and they all came running to me, asking what was wrong. I apologized for crying and explained that I am just really, really sick.  They helped me get tucked into bed then went back downstairs.  Parker and Brinley didn't like seeing me like that and it made them cry.  Alissa calmed them down,  then came back up to see what else she could do for me.  She really stepped it up and took really good care of everybody.  She called Roger's work for me,  she prepared their lunches for school the next day,  she kept Parker and Brinley calm,  then she read to them when it was time for bed.  Roger came home from work early.  I was struggling to breath because my throat was so swollen and I had been crying.  Roger helped calm me down and had me sit up by the window to get some fresh cool air.  That really helped.  I felt much better after that.  I was able to calm down and clear my throat enough that I could breath and go to sleep. Roger got kids to school in the morning while I slept,  then he made a doctor appointment for me.  I took a quick bath and got ready to go.  Dr.  Wilding prescribed medicine to get rid of step throat and he offered to prescribe some cough syrup.  I said no,  because I didn't have a cough.  I regretted that decision at bedtime though.  I started coughing and it was the most painful thing ever!  On Friday morning,  the kids didn't have school,  so that was nice.  I woke up and called Dr.  Wilding to send a prescription for some cough syrup to Kents.  It took all day for them to get it for me.  I called Kents a couple of times, but they still didn't have it.  Finally around 1:30pm Dr. Wilding called to tell me he was finally able to get a hold of them and they had my prescription.  I was so relieved. Alissa came with me to pick it up.  We also bought ice cream for when my throat starts to feel a little better.  The kids have already started eating it,  so there won't be much left for me,  but that's okay.  The kids haven't had much to eat since I've been sick.  To save on groceries,  I make most things homemade,  but when I'm sick,  there is nobody to make that for for us and we feel like we are starving. 
I've been in bed sleeping for 3 full days now.  I can't wait to feel well enough that I can get out of bed and do something.  I tried to get up and walk around about an hour ago,  but it was too much.  I'm back in bed.  I can't wait for this to be gone from me and I really hope no one else gets this sickness. 
Roger got a paper emailed to him that he needed to e sign on a computer with Internet and send back.  Simple right?  Wrong. Since we don't have Internet,  Roger tried on his phone.  It wouldn't work.  Then he was going to go home with a guy from work and do it in the morning,  but they had to cancel because something came up at work and he had to stay late.  Today I arranged for him to go to Maryann's house to use their computer.  Her husband had changed the password on the main computer,  so he had to use her laptop.  He e signed his just fine,  but when he tried to e sign for me,  it wouldn't work.  Eventually he figured out that the caplock button hag been hit.  By this point,  he had tried too many times and it locked him out of the program.  He was furious when he came home.  I've never seen him so mad.  He was throwing things and swearing up a storm.  The kids were all outside so they didn't see any of this.  I wish I had been with them.  I really don't like seeing people's scary tempers. He vented for a while then calmed down.  I can't wait to have everything be official so we can move and not feel any worries about if we will get the house or not. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Alissa's Art and Parker's Scouts - September 15, 2015

Tuesday - September 15th
There was a photography contest that Alissa learned about at school today.  She had to enter her picture online tonight.  It wasn't a requirement for her to enter, but she really wanted to.  So, as soon as she got home, she took the camera out and started snapping away.  I think she did an excellent job.  I was really impressed with the pictures she took.  Here they all are.

 I these pictures, she was trying to get cool pictures of water in the air.  They didn't work out how she hoped.

 Parker had scouts tonight.  The other leader keeps having to cancel.  In order for them to do scouts they need 2 adults.  I keep ending up having to stay, so scouts won't get canceled.  For their meeting today, they went hiking.  Brother Grant has a lot of property out in Bothwell, so that's where we did our hiking.  I was not wearing very good shoes for this hike.  Also, I hurt my knees recently.  I normally love hiking, but my hurt knees and bad shoes, made this hike not so wonderful.  The scenery was nice though, and Parker had fun.

 After the hike, Landon got to try out the fire starter thingy that was in his compass.  Landon and Parker each had the chance to earn a really cool compass when they earned their tenderfoot.  Parker is done with everything, he just needs to meet with the scout leaders, then he will get his.  The boys were all excited to see how the fire starting thing worked.
 When we got home, Sydney came over to hang out.  Alissa still had photography on her brain.  she wanted to get a good picture of a bubble.  She tried for a little bit.  when she was done, Sydney wanted to try.  They took a lot of pictures.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Search and Rescue BBQ - September 14, 2015

Monday - September 14th
Roger attends Search and Rescue meetings on Mondays, but this Monday was different.  They decided to have a BBQ for the Search and Rescue and their families.  We all met at the park in Bear River City.  I didn't know anybody and I'm kind of shy, so it was a little awkward.  But the food was yummy.  The kids made friends and had a fun time playing games after we finished our food.  They didn't want to go home.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Peach Days and Malaiyah's Baptism - September 12, 2015

Saturday - September 12th
Malaiyah got baptized today.  I feel bad that I forgot to take any pictures.  I was asked to play the piano and bring rolls.  Alissa was asked to give the prayer.  It was a good day.  Malaiyah's mom and Malaiyah's future step dad gave the talks.  They did a really good job.  It was a good experience.  Afterwards, lunch was served.  Everybody kept complimenting me on the yummy rolls.  They were all making a big deal about them.  On the way home, Alissa told me that she didn't realize that my rolls were such a treat.  Since they are used to having them and she doesn't know what the store bought rolls taste like.  She thanked me for always making yummy rolls for them.  She was just surprised that something that is so normal for her was such a big deal for other people.  It made me feel good.  I'm glad that she shared that with me and thanked me.

Roger had to work for the search and rescue at Peach Days.  The last time we went to Peach Days was when we lived in Brigham.  Alissa was a little baby at the time.  Brigham City isn't far away.  I don't know why we haven't been back to Peach Days since then.  Alissa's friend Erin came with us.  We stopped and visited with Roger when we first got there.  He had to park his truck and guard the entrance from one side of the street.  There was no shade where he was, so he was hot.  As we walked toward all the fun activities, I told the kids to stop and let me take their picture.  Then I realized we forgot to take a picture with Roger.  I made them go back by Roger for more pictures.

 I had to have at least one picture with me in it.  I'm rarely in the pictures, because I'm always the one taking them.
 After I felt like I had taken enough pictures we headed toward all the fun.  The first thing we came to was a fun bounce house that was similar to an obstacle thing on the show Wipe Out.  It looked like a lot of fun.  There were 6 pedistools and a large pole that spins around.  You stand on the pedistool and jump over the pole as it passes you.  If you don't jump, it hits your feet and causes you to fall over.  It was so fun to stand and watch everybody playing on that game.  I saw a couple people get hurt.  One little girl cut her knee somehow and was bleeding as she walked off.  Most of what we saw was just fun.  I learned from Roger after we got home, that they had a ton of injuries on that thing.  One kid broke his arm or wrist or something.  When we had first arrived, there was an ambulance parked near by.  I hadn't realized that they had someone in there, but they did.  the kid who had broke a bone was in there.
 We didn't have money to go on any of the rides, because we used it all at the fair.  so, we spent our time walking around and looking at everything.  Alissa's friend, Erin brought money and she wanted to pay for her and Alissa to go on some rides.  Malaiyah was there with her family.  As soon as they found where she was, Alissa, Malaiyah, and Erin ran off to do their own thing.  Brinley, Parker and I wandered and watched the rides.  Teirnynn was there, but she was fussy, so she didn't really want to hang out with Brinley at all.  Her mom decided to just take her home, because she was so fussy.  I told her that we had room to take Malaiyah home with us, so Malaiyah wouldn't have to miss out on the fun.  We were getting hot, so we walked over to Roger to sit on the truck and take a break.  Parker climbed under the cover to be in the shade.
 It was a fun night.  Just before it was time to leave, I realized that I hadn't gotten any pictures with Malaiyah in them and that felt wrong, especially because this was her special day (her baptism day).  So, I had the kids pose for a few pictures.  It was dark, so the pictures aren't great.
We headed home after this.  It was a fun day and a fun night.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Water Fight and Fussy Kids - September 7, 2015

Monday - September 7th
It's Labor day, so the kids didn't have to go to school today.  We made cookies.
Malaiyah and Teirnynn came over
Malaiyah is getting baptized on Saturday!  Alissa gets to say the prayer and I will be making rolls for a get together after.
We were bored,  so we played a game with water in a cup and you dump it behind you and full the cup the person behind you is holding.  We had fun seeing how long we could go before all the water was lost.  Eventually that game turned into a water fight

It was lots of fun until the end........
  We all said we were finished,  but Parker still had water in his cup.  He threw it on Alissa.  She got mad.  He filled it up and threw it on her again.  Then she got really mad and threatened to get him back when he least expects it, and much worse than he got her.  She wasn't being funny about it.  She was angry.  That made Parker feel bad.  They were outside arguing. I told them to come in and stop it.  They both ran upstairs to their rooms to change.  Alissa banged angrily on Parker's door. Parker came down feeling angry and frustrated that Alissa was being so mean.  About 10 minutes later,  Alissa came down and threw water on Parker while he was sitting in the living room. That made him feel bad,  so he ran upstairs to cry.  All of this was made worse and more awkward since they had friends over.  Alissa came in complaining to me and trying to get me to see that she was justified in doing what she did.  I didn't agree with her.  That made her feel bad,  so she ran upstairs to cry.  Friends went home after that.  Alissa stayed in her room and played primary songs on the keyboard.  That helped her calm down.  Parker came downstairs and played Minecraft.  I was busy making strawberry freezer jam, bread,  and noodle soup for lunch while all this fighting was going on. After I made Brinley and Parker's soup and I was done with the other stuff, I went upstairs to talk to Alissa. We had a good talk.  She apologized to me,  then came down and apologized to Parker.  Parker apologized to her and all was well again.  I made Alissa her lunch and fixed my lunch.
While we were eating,  Teirnynn came to see if the kids could play. We told her that Brinley could play after she finishes eating her lunch.  We shut the door and Teirnynn sat outside the door crying the whole time we ate.
Brin finished eating and went out to play.  I told Brin they could play outside, but not inside yet.  They had fun outside,  then Brinley came in to relax.  Teirnynn sat outside the door crying.  We felt bad,  so we invited her in to play Fluxx and Uno with us.  She said she didn't want to play at first,  but as we sat there playing,  she changed her mind.
We started our game and Teirnynn started telling us that she wants to do something else.  She was sitting in the chair refusing to play.  I told her that she didn't have to play, she could go home or go back to playing outside.  She started to cry and refused to leave.  She just stayed on the chair crying.  Alissa ran across the parking lot to get Malaiyah to come and help Teirnynn get home.
Malaiyah wanted to play cards with us.  Teirnynn calmed down and Brinley decided to invite Teirnynn to dance to youtube videos with her in the living room. Teirnynn liked that. We played cards and they danced.  It was not long after that Teirnynn said she wanted to play minecraft.  Brinley didn't want to,  so Teirnynn sat on the luv
 Sac (where Brin had been doing her tricks ) and refused to move.  Malaiyah went and got after her
 And Teirnynn stopped, but she started being mean again a little while later.
Teirnynn and Malaiyah left right before Roger came home from Dan's. Their mom texted me and asked if Teirnynn threw any fits while she was at our house.  I was honest and told her of all the fits she threw.  She texted that Teirnynn had her nose in the corner and soap in her mouth for lying. She apologized for Teirnynn being rude.  I wasn't sure how to respond.  A short time later,  Teirnynn came to the door and apologized door being rude.

My friend, Jenny Springman, changed her status on her Facebook page to married, then she changed her last name.  I thought that was funny and I wondered if she would really do something crazy, like get married to someone she hardly knows, just out of the blue.  She changed her status on a Sunday.  I talked to her on the Friday before that.  She was getting ready to go to a karaoke bar and she wished that I was there to go with her.  I've always wanted to go to a karaoke bar, but I'm too afraid.  Anyway, so, I wondered what the heck happened in that time between talking to her on Friday to her saying she was married on Sunday.  I wondered if she met someone at the karaoke bar.  I've been trying to get a hold of her ever since then.  She doesn't answer or return my calls or text messages.  I'm worried.  I decided to check on Facebook and see if she has been on Facebook at all and she had deleted her account.  I can't figure out what's going on.  I really don't like it.  It's weird.  I hope she's okay.  I keep letting my imagination get carried away at what could be wrong.

So, they accepted our offer on the house, but I'm totally freaked out that something will happen and make it so we don't get it after all.  I'm not sure what could go wrong, but I'm worried.  I am stressing myself out.  I have too much to worry about and I'm making myself crazy.  I have to pack and get ready for our move, but because of all the stress, it is slow going.

Crazy world we live in.  It's mind boggling how stupid people are.  It's crazy to see things we read in the scriptures happening.  I read tonight about how what is evil will be considered good and what is good will be considered evil .  And there will be a separation between the people.  (Or among the people). I just realized that there will be such a separation because the wicked will be really wicked  (but they don't realize it). And the righteous have to separate themselves. It's just crazy!

Update on Jenny Springman:  She finally got back to me.  She has been going through a really hard time.  The marriage thing was a funny joke.  She ended up getting back together with an ex boyfriend and they thought it would be funny to change their status' to that.  The reason she deleted her Facebook and I couldn't get a hold of her, was because her ex boyfriend, Grant, who she was with for many many years, passed away in a motorcycle accident.  She has been having a hard time dealing with it all.  She said she just didn't know how to handle it.