Saturday, September 26, 2015

Going to Salt Lake - September 26, 2015

Saturday - September 26th
We went to Salt Lake this weekend.  Dan invited us to go to his son's birthday party.  They had it at a the church.  The kids were being funny on the drive there.  They had their new sunglasses (that we got at the bank in Logan) on and they were dancing to the music.  I love our goofy kids!

The party was fun.  The kids got to run around and play, Roger visited with Dan and his family, and I got to snuggle with Dan's new little baby girl.  She is so cute!  Also, we got to try eating hotdogs in a very different way.  Dan's wife is from Chile.  They eat their hotdogs on a bun with tomatoes and avocado. I really didn't think it was going to taste that good, but I loved it!  It was really good.
The party was almost over, when Grandma Mathison called to check on me.  She was wondering how things were going with the house.  I talked to her for a while.  It was good.  The last time I had talked to her was after she had another stroke.  She had 3 strokes!  She was kind of out of it when I had last talked to her and it made me really sad and scared for her.  I've been wanting to talk to her but I was afraid to call and bother her.  Each time she had a stroke, they were able to get her to the hospital fast enough that no permanent damage was done.  Her second stroke happened while she was on the phone talking with Linda about her first stroke.  It is so scary.  I know Grandma is ready to go, but I don't want her to.  I'm going to miss her a lot.  She sounds like she is feeling a lot better since the last time we talked.  She told me that the doctor told her there was nothing they could do to stop her from having another stroke.  He told her to go home and live her life.  Don't sit and wait to die.  Enjoy the time you have left.  She has had lots of family around her since it happened.  My Aunts and Uncles all rushed to be with her while she was struggling.  I'm glad that she is not lonely and she has so much family that can be there for her.
After the party, The kids and I went to Kari's house to spend the night and Roger went to Dan's house to hang out.

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