Saturday, September 19, 2015

I'm sick - September 19, 2015

Saturday - September 19th
I can't remember the last time I was this sick.  I think it might have been in the spring of 2009 when I had pneumonia.  This time I just have step throat,  but it is worse than I have ever experienced it before.  It is horrible!  I've been in bed for 3 days straight now.  The sickness cane on really bad and really fast on Wednesday night.  I went to a meeting at the kids' school.  I felt a little yucky at the start of the meeting,  but by the time it was over, I was shaking uncontrollably.  It just hit me so hard.  I started driving home and I could just feel it getting worse and worse. I pulled over before I got home because I was so sick I needed to cry.  I didn't want to scare the kids by coming home crying,  so I tried to get my emotions under control and I messaged Roger to come home ASAP.  I did my best to calm down,  then headed home.  I walked in the door and just busted into tears.  I tried so hard not to do that, but I failed big time.  It scared the kids.  They were so worried and they all came running to me, asking what was wrong. I apologized for crying and explained that I am just really, really sick.  They helped me get tucked into bed then went back downstairs.  Parker and Brinley didn't like seeing me like that and it made them cry.  Alissa calmed them down,  then came back up to see what else she could do for me.  She really stepped it up and took really good care of everybody.  She called Roger's work for me,  she prepared their lunches for school the next day,  she kept Parker and Brinley calm,  then she read to them when it was time for bed.  Roger came home from work early.  I was struggling to breath because my throat was so swollen and I had been crying.  Roger helped calm me down and had me sit up by the window to get some fresh cool air.  That really helped.  I felt much better after that.  I was able to calm down and clear my throat enough that I could breath and go to sleep. Roger got kids to school in the morning while I slept,  then he made a doctor appointment for me.  I took a quick bath and got ready to go.  Dr.  Wilding prescribed medicine to get rid of step throat and he offered to prescribe some cough syrup.  I said no,  because I didn't have a cough.  I regretted that decision at bedtime though.  I started coughing and it was the most painful thing ever!  On Friday morning,  the kids didn't have school,  so that was nice.  I woke up and called Dr.  Wilding to send a prescription for some cough syrup to Kents.  It took all day for them to get it for me.  I called Kents a couple of times, but they still didn't have it.  Finally around 1:30pm Dr. Wilding called to tell me he was finally able to get a hold of them and they had my prescription.  I was so relieved. Alissa came with me to pick it up.  We also bought ice cream for when my throat starts to feel a little better.  The kids have already started eating it,  so there won't be much left for me,  but that's okay.  The kids haven't had much to eat since I've been sick.  To save on groceries,  I make most things homemade,  but when I'm sick,  there is nobody to make that for for us and we feel like we are starving. 
I've been in bed sleeping for 3 full days now.  I can't wait to feel well enough that I can get out of bed and do something.  I tried to get up and walk around about an hour ago,  but it was too much.  I'm back in bed.  I can't wait for this to be gone from me and I really hope no one else gets this sickness. 
Roger got a paper emailed to him that he needed to e sign on a computer with Internet and send back.  Simple right?  Wrong. Since we don't have Internet,  Roger tried on his phone.  It wouldn't work.  Then he was going to go home with a guy from work and do it in the morning,  but they had to cancel because something came up at work and he had to stay late.  Today I arranged for him to go to Maryann's house to use their computer.  Her husband had changed the password on the main computer,  so he had to use her laptop.  He e signed his just fine,  but when he tried to e sign for me,  it wouldn't work.  Eventually he figured out that the caplock button hag been hit.  By this point,  he had tried too many times and it locked him out of the program.  He was furious when he came home.  I've never seen him so mad.  He was throwing things and swearing up a storm.  The kids were all outside so they didn't see any of this.  I wish I had been with them.  I really don't like seeing people's scary tempers. He vented for a while then calmed down.  I can't wait to have everything be official so we can move and not feel any worries about if we will get the house or not. 

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