Friday, May 9, 2003

New Appliances For Our House - May 9, 2003

We got to go shopping today for some appliances for our new house!  We bought a washer, dryer, and a refrigerator.  It was fun looking at all of the different models.  We looked at a lot of different places and decided that the best place to go is Murphy's Appliances in Brigham City.
I'm so tired!  I've been working hard tonight trying to get everything done so that we will be able to go to Salt Lake in the morning.  I also went jogging tonight.  Even after working so hard tonight, I still need to do the dishes, do my hair, finish the laundry, pack our things, and I'm sure I'll think of more.
Alissa was so good today, which was super nice and helpful since I had so much to do.  She is such a patient little girl.  I feel really blessed to have such a wonderful little baby.  Tonight I thought that I would try something new.  I thought that if I stop feeding Alissa in the night when she wakes up that she will stop waking up in the night and maybe start sleeping through the night.  She already woke up once and I tried to just hold her and rock her back to sleep.  It was a bad idea.  She was hungry and since I didn't feed her like she was expecting she got really upset.  She ended up waking up even more because she was so upset over the lack of food.  I took a lot longer to get her back to sleep after that.  It's much easier to just feed her at night when she waked up.  I just need to be patient.  Eventually she will start sleeping through the night.
Also, we ate pizza today because I was craving it.  Weird!  I don't usually like pizza.  It was really weird that I was craving it.
My friend, Marque, is getting married tomorrow.  That's why we're heading to Salt Lake,

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