Sunday, November 2, 2008


Last year I decided that it would be a lot more fun to make their Halloween costumes, because the ones at the store are pretty flimsy and I thought it would be special if they were homemade. Last year I did not have a job. I think making the costumes was a good idea for last year, but this year it was hard. The reason that it was hard is that I had a hard time making time to get their costumes done. I wasn't able to get the done in time for the Halloween party at Kari's house, but, thankfully, I got them finished in time for Halloween. I really liked the way they turned out and it was a lot of fun to make them. I just stressed myself out because I had a lot of other things that I needed to do besides making their costumes.
Parker was an Army Guy for Halloween. He wanted to be a cowboy, but boots were too expensive, so I told him that if he were an army guy, he could have a gun.Brinley was a fairy princess. She didn't like the wings at first, but she decided that they weren't so bad later on.Alissa wanted to be a witch. I think she looks so cute in her costume.

Here they are all together before we went out trick or treating.
We went to the trunk or treat over at the church. Then we came home and I took their pictures and we went out trick or treating around the neighborhood. We went with Alissa's new friend Erin, her brother, and her dad. The kids had a lot of fun.

We're home! The kids loved trick ot treating. I took a few picture of the kids by their pumpkins.

Alissa and I went to one more house. We left Brinley and Parker with daddy while we went to the scary house. Alissa's friend, Skylee, lives at the scary house. They love Halloween and they go all out with the Halloween decorations. This year they had an inflatable haunted house that you had to walk through to get to the front door. When we walked through it, it made scary sounds. Alissa was really nervous. I told her about it before we went and she said that she wouldn't be scared because she knows it is just pretend. I also warned her about the doorbell. When you ring it, air blows at you and it makes a scary sound. So Alissa was nervous when we got to the door. She was clinging to my arm. They had a lot of decorations (spiderwebs and stuff like that) around the door and I couldn't find the doorbell. I grabbed Alissa's flashlight to help me find the doorbell. While I was looking, the thing blew air on our faces and made the scary sound. We screamed and then they opened the door and gave us our treat. Alissa did not like that. She thought it was way too scary. I thought it was fun.

Here's Alissa getting all of the candy out of her bag.
Brinley enjoying her treats.

Parker playing with his daddy.
Parker's treats
And now it is time to go to bed. The kids had so much fun. They did not want the day to be over. Brinley and Alissa took the news of bed time really hard. They did not want to put the candy away and go to bed.


  1. Those are really cute costumes! Next year I will have to have you make Molly a costume!

  2. jenny, their costumes are so cute! you did a great job,

  3. Great job those costumes are great! I think it makes Halloween so much more fun with homemade costumes!

  4. Jenny, their costumes are cute. You did such a nice job. You are so talented in so many ways. I like putting costumes together, better than buying the ones at the store. I feel like I get a better deal. But I didn't sew anything this year.

  5. You are the bomb diggity Jenny. You made your kids costumes so cute and your kids are sooo cute. You are sooo dang talented. I miss you, I need to call you and catch up. I hope you are good. Miss and loves
