Monday, September 19, 2016

The Power Went Out - September 19, 2016

Monday - September 19th

The power went out tonight.  It was kind of fun.  But I will get to that story later in this post.  I'm going to tell you about our day and the power outage happened at the end of our day, so I'll get to that at the end of the post.
Shortly after I woke up this morning, I got a text message from Robin Lawrence.  Her daughter Ashlea was being babysat by our neighbors this morning.  The plan was, that she would be at their house until it was time for her to leave to go to school.  But Ashlea ended up getting sick.  She started throwing up and was feeling too sick to go to school.  Lisa (the neighbor that had been watching her) had somewhere she had to be, so she couldn't keep watching Ashlea.  So, Robin texted me, asking if I could watch Ashlea until they got home around 10:30ish.  I told her that we could.  So, Ashlea came over.  Brinley, Parker, and her relaxed in the family room and watched tv.  I gave Ashlea a throw up bucket to use.  She threw up 4 times while she was here.  It wasn't fun.  It was a bummer that she was feeling so yucky.  I woke up feeling a little yucky myself.  I had stayed up really late with Alissa and Roger, watching 'Stranger Things'.  I had a hard time sleeping because I kept imagining the monster from the show and I had a headache.  When I woke up this morning, my head still hurt and I was not well rested.  So, I took some medicine and drank some Mountain Dew.  Eventually, I started to feel better.
We skipped our schooling today.  Ashlea left around 11:00, then I went upstairs to take a short nap.  I had to wake up at 12:30 to take Alissa to seminary and take Forest to the vet. (for his shots).  After all that, we did some yard work.  The bees kept swarming me.  It was horrible, so I hurried to get everything done.  I was almost finished, when they started swarming again.  I dropped what I was doing and booked it inside.  I yelled to Roger that I was done.  The bees were way too much for me to handle.  Brinley had been outside with me, but the bees weren't bugging her.  Our job was to clean up the poop and the plums so that Roger and Parker could mow the lawn.  Parker and Roger were out for a long time.  They got a lot of work done.  I'm glad that they are tougher than I am and were able to get everything done.  When they finished their work, Roger started a fire in the fire pit.  While we were sitting around the fire, we learned that the pears were ready to be picked.  So, we have a lot of picking to do.  We also learned that the grape vine looking plant covering the pergola is actually a poisonous plant.  They are Virginia Creepers.  I picked a basket full of pears and brought them downstairs to sit in a cool room for a couple of days.
When it got dark, Parker and Brinley went downstairs to play the computer.  Roger, Alissa, and I sat down to watch 'Stranger Things'.  We watched one episode, but shortly after the second episode started, the power went out.  I didn't have my phone near me, so I was asking Alissa and Roger to turn on their phone lights, when we heard panicked screams coming from downstairs.  Parker and Brin were scared and they couldn't find the game phone to turn on a light.  We all hurried down to save them.  It was kind of funny.  The power was out until sometime after 1:00am.  We used the headlamps we had and out phones for light.  After going outside and seeing our neighborhood with all the lights off (it was really dark!), we all sat down in the family room to chill and wait for the power to come back on.  Alissa read a book for a while, Brinley and Parker took turns playing games on the game phone, Roger checked out Facebook and watched videos on his phone, and I spent some time writing about what we were doing on the notes on my phone.  Eventually, Parker, Brinley, and I fell asleep.  Roger and Alissa stayed up watching Fail Army on YouTube.  Around 1:00am, they went to bed.  I woke up right after they went to their rooms to go to sleep.  Brinley, Parker, and I had fallen asleep in the family room, so that's where we were.  I woke up and went to the bathroom.  When I came out, I went to check on Alissa and she told me that she had just climbed in bed.  She wasn't tired, so she came into the family room and visited with me.  We had fun talking until the power came back on.  Then we went to bed.
Here are the pictures I took of us chillin' during the power outage.

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