Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Birthday Miracle!

My digital camera has been broken. I try everyday, hoping that it will work and it never does. I was really sad about not having a digital camera on Brinley's Birthday. I asked 3 people that I knew if I could borrow their camera. Two of them also had broken cameras and one couldn't get it because it was at her exboyfriend's house and she did not have a key. I didn't feel comfortable enough to ask other people. I have a camcorder that I can take pictures with, but the pictures are not very good. I was sad that the camcorder was what I had to use. The morning of Brinley's Birthday, I decided to try my digital camera one more time, just to be sure that it didn't work. It turned on!!! I was so excited!! That was the Birthday miracle I had been hoping for! I had prayed a few times during the week asking Heavenly Father to help me figure out a way to be able to get pictures of Brinley's Birthday. The camera didn't last all day, but I was able to get quite a few pictures of Brinley on her birthday. The rest of her birthday pictures had to be taken with the camcorder, but they turned out all right.

Brinley playing with balloons onher birthday. October 15th.

Parker looks so nice in his party hat!Here's the birthday girl! She is three years old.Brinley got this doodle pro for her birthday. Alissa drew a snail. We all had a lot of fun playing with Brinley's new toys.Roger got Brinley's new doll to work. The doll crawls and says "Momma, Momma". Then the doll falls and cries. Then it starts to giggle as it gets back up and starts to crawl again and say "Momma, Momma"

Brinley's Birthday Cake. She really liked her cake.

She is so cute. I love how happy she is in this picture. I took this while we were singing to her.
Blowing out the candles.
My cute little three year old.
Brinley got some bubbles for her birthday. They are a different kind of bubbles. you can catch them. They don't pop very easily. The kids loved them! The girl standing behind Brinley is Aytymn. I babysit her on the days that I don't have to work. Aytymn kept telling me, "Jenny these are awesome! You have to buy these for me on my birthday. Please will you buy me some on my birthday?" We tried to play with the bubbles outside so they wouldn't make a mess in the living room, but the wind kept blowing the bubbles to far away from us. So we are in the bathroom playing with the bubbles. We played with the bubbles for almost an hour! The kids loved them so much.
It's my Parker! He likes to get his picture taken. I think he is so handsome.


  1. Yeah for a Birthday Miracle! That cake is to DIE for! And hmmmm your birthday is coming up.

  2. Very cute new look on the blog. What a great surprise that your camera worked for the party, what cute memories you made! Speaking of birthday cake, any luck finding a tranformer one yet for Hunter?

  3. Jenny your blog is so are very creative. I can't believe how big she is getting. I am happy your camera started working...thank goodness for the power of prayer:)

  4. I love what you have done with the blog, it is sooo cute. yay we both have 3 yr. olds. I am glad you got your camera to work. It looks like everyone had fun, Brinly is so cute, I think she looks like you. So how are you?? Whats been going on?? Hey Happy Birthday tomorrow!!! Loves to you

  5. Hooray for miracles! Did you ever get the photoshop I sent ya? I like your header it's cute!

  6. Wow! Your blog is darling. Are you using photoshop to do the heading? The frames are fab. What great story of prayer! How was your b-day?
    Happy 30! (Or is is 29 for the 2nd time?)
