Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Parker's Birthday

I can't believe my little boy is 5 yrs old! Time goes by way too fast.
When I had my first ultra sound, they noticed that Parker had some fluid around his heart. Fluid around the heart usually means there is an abnormality. They couldn't find any reason for the fluid. They looked at his heart every other week until he was born. The fluid slowly went away. By the time he was due, the fluid was all gone. The doctor wanted me to have a C-section so we wouldn't put any stress on Parker's heart. They checked Parker's heart right after he was born. They couldn't see anything wrong so they let me hold him and nurse him. They took Parker to the nursery while they got me settled in my room. they had told me they would bring him to me as soon as I got all settled. But they didn't bring him to me. The doctor came in and told me that something was wrong so they admitted him to the NICU. About an hour after that, they came in and told me that they needed to life flight him to Primary Children's Hospital. I had been prepared for Parker to be in the NICU. I went through that with Alissa and I knew I could handle it. I was not prepared for Parker to be taken to another hospital. I did not handle that well. This is a picture of me holding Parker one more time before they flew him to Primary Children's. My face is all red and puffy from all of the crying I was doing.Roger went to Primary Children's Hospital to be with Parker. Parker had a narrowing in his Aorta. He had surgery the day after he was born. Parker survived the surgery and so did we. Here we are at Primary Children's Hospital.
My handsome little baby boy.
Our first family photo.
Here are a few pictures of my handsome little baby boy. I just can't believe how fast the time went.

Here are some pictures from Parker's birthday. The kids were so excited when they woke up. I had decorated the house and set out a lot of fun little knick-knacks on the table. They all had so much fun playing. It was really hard to get them to go to school. I had bought a treat for Parker to take to his class. Parker was a little confused when it was time to go to school. He thought that as soon as he turned five he would start going to Alissa's school. He was pretty disappointed when he found out that he still had to go to his school.
Parker's cake.
We went out to eat.
Parker opening his presents and Roger making a face.

Blowing out the candles.


  1. What a cute baby he was! And what a good looking kid he is now. It was fun to see pictures of your family from when he was born and little. You did a fabulous job on that cake!

  2. Happy Birthday Parker! I guess it would be Happy Belated Birthday now since you posted this yesterday. Oops!

  3. Happy Birthday Parker :) They grow up so fast. I hope you all had a great day. I lost your number we need to get together sometime :)


  4. Once again you did an awesome cake! I'm so glad your feeling better! What a cute boy you have!!
