Saturday, May 19, 2012

Parker's Birthday!

Saturday - May 19, 2012
Parker's birthday is on a Saturday this year.  That makes it a perfect day for a birthday party.  Parker is turning 8 years old!  He has grown up so fast.  It's crazy!  Here is a picture of his Lightening McQueen birthday cake and all the other decorations I stayed up late preparing.

 The kids are always so excited to see all the goodies on the table and all the fun birthday decorations on the morning of their birthdays.
 Parker loves these little spinning tops.
 Here are the kids waiting as patiently as they could for all the party fun to start.
 Parker begged and begged for me to let him open some gifts before everyone got here.  I let him open two.  He opened his new truck and a fun game where you throw the balls into the holes.  The weird looking noodle thing outside, is my creation.  I was trying to make a game that I saw on Pinterest.  I thought it would be fun for Parker's party, but it didn't stay up long enough for any of us to enjoy it.  It was a fun idea, I just need more time to figure out a good way to get it to stay up.  Your supposed to stand back and throw pool noodles at it and try to get them through the holes.  I'll figure out a good way to make it work eventually.
 We went across the street with all of Parker's friends and played at the playground.  When we finally got tired of this, we headed back to our house for cake, ice cream, and gifts, then the party was over.

 Grandma Moser came.  She brought some beef jerky for Roger for his birthday.  His birthday is in 6 days.

 After the party, we set up the pools and spent pretty much the rest of the day playing outside.  The kids love to dry off by laying out on the driveway.  They love the way the warm cement feels.

 After all of the friends had gone home, Alissa said she was going back out to swim.  I peaked out the window to see how she was doing and I saw that she was asleep on the chair sitting in the pool.  So, I grabbed the camera and snuck out to take some pictures of her, then wake her up.  I snapped the first picture, then Alissa jumped up and yelled, "Aargh!"  I, of course, jumped and screamed.  She had been planning it the whole time.  She knew I would come out and take pictures when I saw her.  I don't know how long she laid like that before I saw her.  She's funny.  I can't believe she did that.  It was funny!  Parker had snuck out behind me and watched the whole thing.  they thought it was hilarious.

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