Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Hiking the juniper trail in Logan - Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Wednesday - June 28th

Roger and I went hiking today.  I didn't have to work and we decided that we would try to go on a hike in all of my days off. It was so nice to have the day off. I slept in until 9:30am. I can't remember there last time I got to sleep in that late. I didn't think I'd be able to sleep in, since my body is used to waking up early. I woke up when Roger got home, but I managed to fall right back asleep. It felt so good. Then I woke up and laid around for 2 hours before doing anything. 
I needed to help Brinley clean and organize her room today. We got half way through, before I woke Roger up to go hiking. We had to stop at Pet Smart to buy a new crate for Forest. The travel crate we have now is too small. It was really hard to get him into it. Now he has a big one that he seems to love. We also bought a harness for Forest to help him stop pulling when we walk him. We tried it on him in the store and it helped immediately. It was so nice. I was so embarrassed when I was bringing him into the store because he was pulling so hard he was practically dragging me. It was a much different and nicer experience taking him out of the store.
The hike we went on was really nice. There was a stream next to the trail. Forest was nervous to get in the water at first, but before we knew it that was all Forest wanted to do. He kept trying too get over to the steam. At one point the water was really close to the trail and we crossed through water. Forest was so excited, he pounced into the water and started splashing around. It was so cute and funny. I tried to get a video of it, but the camera took forever to turn on. I missed it.

Roger and I have to decide what vacation to do this year. We wanted to do 2 trips, but realized that with Roger's new schedule, we can't. He won't have enough vacation time. So I talked to my sisters tonight to try and figure it out. I think we might end up doing the fall Disneyland trip. But that means I won't get to go to Montana. I don't like that idea too much.
Heather invited me to watch a movie at her house tonight. It was a depressing movie. We didn't have time to finish watching it though, since I had to come home to go to bed, since I have to work in the morning.

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