Thursday, April 24, 2003

Reading My Scriptures - April 24, 2003

Thursday - April 24, 2003
Two Sundays ago, the bishop taught a lesson in a combined relief society and priesthood meeting.  His lesson inspired us to make our weaknesses our strengths.  My weakness has been reading my scriptures.  I thought of all the books that I have read.  I've read a lot of really great books, but I have not read (all the way through) the most important book (The Book of Mormon).  I decided that I will not read any other books until I have read the Book of Mormon, the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, and Joseph Smith's History.  I started reading that Sunday when I got home from church.  I am really enjoying it,  I've been reading between 5 and 10 chapters a day.  When I read my scriptures everyday, I feel more in tune with the spirit.  I love the difference that it makes.
Roger and I have been house hunting.  We found a house that we love and feel really good about.  We put an offer on it today.  I'm so excited!  My friend, Janae's mom, Linda Richardson, is our Realtor.  She has been so wonderful.  Roger took these pictures of Alissa and I eating our lunch today.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Messy Hair and House Hunting - April 23, 2003

Wednesday - April 23rd
We are going house hunting today!  I'm very excited about it.  Roger took a video of Alissa and I this morning.  We both had messy hair.  You can't tell I'm excited about house hunting, because I am not a morning person.  I have a hard time showing happy emotions in the morning.  Here is the video he took.

Sunday, April 20, 2003

Happy Easter - April 20, 2003

Sunday - April 20th
It's Easter Sunday!  We had a nice relaxing day.  Here are the pictures we took of our cute little Alissa celebrating her very first Easter.

Saturday, April 19, 2003

Playing With Cousin Anastasia - April 19, 2003

Saturday - April 19, 2003
We went to a family get together today with Roger's family.  Alissa got to spend a little time playing with her cousin Anastasia.  It was really funny to see them playing together.  Anastasia kept trying to grab Alissa's hair.  They just kept grabbing at each other.  It was too cute!

 Missy put this Easter basket on Alissa's head.  It made for a cute picture, but Alissa didn't love it.

Thursday, April 17, 2003

My Little One is Growing Too Fast - April 17, 2003

Thursday - April 17th
My funny little Alissa.  She is too cute!  Alissa just turned 8 months old 4 days ago.  She is growing too fast.  She has learned how to roll over.  She will roll onto her tummy and quickly roll back, because she really hates to be on her tummy.  She loves it when I hold her hands and let her walk around.  That is her favorite thing to do.  Alissa can say "Mama" and "Dada". 
Two days ago, when Alissa and I woke up in the morning and she had eaten and was dressed and ready for the day, I held her up, so she was standing.  She didn't realize that I had let go of her and she stood there for a second on her own, then she took one step before falling back down.  I was so excited!  It will be so fun when my little one starts walking.  I'm still trying to get her to crawl, but she really doesn't want to.  She sits up really well by herself now.  She sat up for the first time when she was 6 months, then started sitting up all by herself when she was 7 months.
We got pre-approved for a home loan and we get to start house hunting next week.  I am so excited about that!  I can't wait to get a house.  It will be so nice!
 Roger and I went clothes shopping.  This is Roger showing off his new shirt.  When I turned the camera on him and asked him to show us his nice new shirt, He decided to do an impromptu weight loss commercial.   He is too funny.  I love my husband!

 My little Alissa was supposed to be taking a nap.  It is getting harder and harder to get her to lay down for her naps.
 I feel bad.  Alissa got a sunburn today.  We went walking with my friend, Angelee.  I didn't think we would be outside for too long, so I didn't put any sunblock on Alissa, but I was wrong.  We had too much fun walking around and talking, we ended up walking for 2 hours.  My poor little Alissa ended up with a sunburn.  It's not too bad of a burn, but I still feel really bad about doing that.  I will do better, for sure, next time.