Saturday, February 16, 2013

We bought a new couch - February 16, 2013

Our couches were falling apart and we didn't think they would survive another move, so we had decided that we would start couch shopping.  We went to a store in Logan a few days before this and found a couch that we thought would be nice, but we decided to think about it for a while before making our purchase. 
It was a Saturday night and Roger and I had found a babysitter so we could finally go on a date.  We decided to go out to eat then go see a movie.  We went to eat at the Chinese Buffet in Brigham (Roger's choice - I hate Chinese food) then we were going to go to a movie of my choosing (Roger and I do not like the same movies).  We had some time to kill after dinner before our movie started.  I told roger that I had thought I heard that there was a furniture store in Brigham City, but I wasn't sure.  Roger did a search and we found one.  We thought it would be a tiny store and there wouldn't be much to see.  We were definitely wrong.  The store is called The Room Loft and it is part of the old Indian School.  It is a very large store.  They had so much to see and the prices were pretty good.  They also had an antique area.  I could spend so much time in that store.  It was fun.
A lady saw us wandering and asked if she could help us.  We told her we were looking for a couch.  She showed us a few before we were able to explain what it was we were really looking for in a couch.  She said that she knew just the couch for us.  It was love at first sight!  I am so excited to finally have some furniture that we got to choose.  Hand-me-downs are nice and have been such a lifesaver, but it is really exciting  and fun to go out and pick what you want.  So here it is.  It will be delivered shortly before we move.
Also, I think I forgot to announce anywhere on my blog that we are moving.  The people who owned this house were wanting to raise the rent.  We knew that they really wanted to sell it and we wanted to live somewhere that we felt we could stay for as long as we want.  So we decided to move.

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