Saturday, September 21, 2013

At The Hoe Down - September 21, 2013

We went to our first Hoe Down!  It was a lot of fun.  The directions to get there were really funny.  I can't remember exactly what the directions on the flyer said, but it was something like - Turn left by the big yellow barn, then the Hoe down will be in the big red barn, directly behind the white barn.  I just remember thinking it was really funny.  So, this was basically like a really big potluck dinner with entertainment, then dancing after dinner was over.  They had a lot of talented people to share their talents with us while we ate.  There was singing, dancing, violin and piano solos, and more.  After we ate, everybody cleared out their camping chairs (If you didn't bring a chair, they had bails of hay for everybody to sit on - but most people knew to bring their chairs).  When all the chairs were moved, everybody walked forward to start the hoe down (Music and dancing).  The kids loved it.  I'm not much of a dancer, so I sat on the side and watched.  A few times, people tried to convince Roger and I to join in the dancing, but we didn't do it.  A lot of people were sitting on the side watching.  Anyway... It was a lot of fun and something different.  We have never experienced something like that before.  We will definitely go to next years Hoe Down.  I took a lot more video than I did pictures.  I only had my phone, so the pictures I took didn't turn out very well.

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