Friday, January 31, 2014

Puzzle Fun - January 29, 2014

Wednesday - January 29, 2014
Grandma Moser gave us this really fun and big 100 piece puzzle.  Alissa put it together, so I had her pose for a picture with it.

Friday - January 31, 2014
Today was not an exciting day.  Every other Friday is the day I do my grocery shopping.  I spend all day on Thursday working on a 2 week menu plan, price matching, and couponing.  It is quit a hassle, but very worth it.  On Fridy morning, after the kids leave to school, I head to Walmart to do my shopping.  This was the view that I saw on my drive there.  It was so beautiful I just had to stop and take some pictures.  I only had my cell phone with me, so the pictures aren't the best quality.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Flour Balloons - January 25, 2014

Saturday - January 25, 2014
We made stress relief balloons (balloons filled with flour) to play with.  roger was sitting in the living room watching tv and playing with one.  He said, he held it up over his head and that's when it popped!  It was so funny!  We were laughing so hard.  I had to take a picture!

Monday - January 27, 2014
Roger started playing hockey again.  We love going to watch him play.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

A Cake - January 18, 2014

Saturday - January 18, 2014
A lady that Roger works with had asked if I would make a birthday cake for her son.  She was not a delightful person.  I really ended up hating every moment of making this cake.  Everything that could go wrong, went wrong.  Here's a picture of one of the things that went wrong.  As you can see, I dropped the cake.  So, I had to make another.  I usually buy extra cake mixes just in case this happens.  Alissa's friend, Sydney, was over.  That is who is posing with the dropped cake.
The lady gave Roger a picture and told him that she wanted Batman blue, not the color that was on the cake in the picture.  I searched online, trying to figure out what she meant, but every picture of Batman, the blue was the same color as the picture she had.  So, that was annoying.  I decided to just do it that color anyway.  I just hated everything about this cake.  I hated making it, because it ended up being much harder and way more stressful than I could have imagined.  She didn't want fondant, but she wanted it to look like it was covered in fondant.  For the time it took to make this cake, I way undercharged her for her.  I was so frustrated by the time I was done.  I told Roger that I'm not doing cakes for people anymore.  So, if someone at his work asks, tell them I quit and I no longer make cakes.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Another Day of Sledding Fun - January 10, 2014

Friday - January 10, 2014
We had so much fun sledding at the skate park the other day, that we couldn't wait to come and play again.  This time Alissa's friend,  Erin, came with us.

Tuesday - January 14, 2014
We went to Logan after the kids got home from school today.  On the drive there, a truck flipped a rock at us and it chipped the truck window.  We went straight to a window repair place as soon as we got there.  It was a quick fix and didn't cost much money, so we decided to get it fixed right then and there, so it wouldn't have a chance to crack even more.  While the truck window was being fixed, the kids and I walked down the road to play at a park that we saw.  It was a fun way to spend our time, rather than sitting and waiting at the window repair place.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sledding - January 7, 2014

Tuesday - January 7, 2014
We decided to go check out the skate park and see if it would be a fun place to go sledding.  There wasn't a ton of snow and we could see the cement in some areas, but it was still lots of fun.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Our First Adventure of the Year! - January 4, 2014

Saturday - January 4, 2014
Our first adventure of the year.  We decided to head up Logan Canyon and just explore.  We pulled off the road and parked at the base of the Wind Caves hike.  Instead of heading on the Wind Caves trail, we crossed the street and decided to explore that way.  Everything looks so pretty all covered in snow.  We walked over to the river and wandered around a little.  We found a rope swing hanging from one of the trees.  We'll have to come back and try it out in the summer.

 We headed back to the truck, then decided to try and hike a little on the Wind Caves trail.  We didn't get very far, because the trail was so icy.
 After our adventures in Logan Canyon, we went to the Cache Valley Fun Park.  We had a ton of fun playing games and roller skating.