Tuesday, September 16, 2014

No Pictures - September 16, 2014

Tuesday - September 16, 2014
I just realized that I have not taken any pictures this month.  That's crazy!  Not even one!  That is so unlike me.  I've just been so stressed out since school started.  I really don't like to be stressed.  I have a hard time not feeling stressed when I am homeschooling.  We still haven't found what works the best for us and we still haven't settled into a good routine.  We get stuff accomplished each day, but I'm just not organized well enough.  I have too many ideas and things I'd like to do.  I start making a plan, then other things come to mind and the plan I was working on is thrown out the window because the new plan is better, then that comes to a halt because I have another idea or it doesn't work out as well as I thought or I just get too distracted by all the other things I need to get done.  One of the biggest things adding to my stress was the idea that I had to try an all homemade Christmas this year.  I had a ton of fun ideas and I thought the kids would be surprised by how fun a homemade Christmas could be.  The problem with my idea is that it takes a lot of time to make all the wonderful gifts that I want to make.  I also thought that it might be cheaper to do Christmas this way this year, but I was wrong about that too.  I don't have the time or money to do a homemade Christmas.  Anyway... I've been trying to do everything and it has turned out to be way too much for me to handle!  I got my first gray hair this month!  That's how stressed I have been.  I have one white hair on my eyebrow now.
I'm feeling a little less stressed tonight because I decided not to do the homemade Christmas and Parker's homeschooling went much better today than it has before.  Also, some one in our ward gave us a bunch of corn and I just finished preparing it and freezing it.  That was a lot of work!  That was adding to my stress, but I couldn't pass it up.  That corn taste so yummy!
Another stress I've been having is a neighbor girl that walks home with Brinley and stays at our house for 20 minutes until her sister comes to pick her up.  She is makes things very difficult.  She's not an easy person to deal with.  Parker and her clash big time and that is especially not fun.  It's such a relief when she leaves, but it is hard to get her to go and she is always begging to come back over and play.  I feel bad, but I really can't handle her.  I let her come back and play a few times, but I had to keep sending her home because she was fighting and being rude.  Then I thought maybe it'd be okay if Brinley went outside to play with her, but that was a bad idea too.  She ended up coloring all over on the back patio with crayon, then she picked the neighbor's tomatoes and threw them in our air conditioner.  Tomato splattered everywhere.  It's just too exhausting to have her around.

Alright... enough about how stressed I have been feeling.  Since I last posted, Alissa was able to go back to the craft store and use her gift card.  She took a coupon with her this time and the paints ended up ringing up for less than what they were marked at, so she ended up being able to get more paints this time.  She came back from that shopping trip feeling much happier.
Alissa went with the Young Women to the Ogden Temple open house.  One of the Leaders posted the picture on Facebook, so I copied it and I can at least share one picture with you today.  I don't remember what day this was but it was posted on Facebook on September 2nd.

Let's see.... what else has happened..... We went to Tooele and picked up our Luv Sac from Roger's mom's house.  We have missed having that.  We gave it to her when we moved out of our house since it takes up so much room.  We were planning to get it when we moved in to a house again, but we just couldn't wait.  We have missed having that.  It is so comfy to lay in.  After we picked that up, we went to Roger's brother, Todd's house.  They had invited us over for dinner.  It was kind of out of the blue and random, but we don't see them very often, so we decided to take them up on their offer.  We had a lot of fun hanging out with them.
I like posting pictures, so I'm bummed that I haven't taken any yet.  I need to step up my game and get on it.

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