Monday, May 27, 2002

Hanging Out With Missy and Marty - May 26, 2002

Sunday - May 26th
I ended up sleeping all day with Roger.  The alarm clock didn't go off.  I slept until 2:00pm.  I didn't sleep at all last night, that's why I was able to sleep all day.  Roger is going to try and get on a new shift so he won't be working graveyards anymore.  He is trying to get on the wed, thurs, friday day shift.  If he gets on that shift he will work from 5:00am to 5:00pm.  I really hope he gets on that shift before we move into Caroline and Scott's four-plex.  I feel nervous about being home alone there when he works graveyards.  Nights aren't so scary here, because this is a shared house.  I know that if there was a problem, the Griffins are right upstairs and will help.
Missy and Marty came over tonight.  They just moved to Layton and they don't know anybody around there, so they were bored and decided to visit.  They haven't seen where I live before.  We played cards and watched movies.  They left around 1:00am.

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