Saturday, May 25, 2002

Roger's Birthday! - May 25, 2002

Saturday - May 25th
It's Roger's birthday!  We went to Salt Lake yesterday for Roger's birthday.  I planned a little surprise party for him with his friends.  So, we spent Friday night celebrating his birthday with his friends and today we celebrated with his family.
So, on Friday, we slept in, then woke up and packed our stuff to go to Salt Lake.  We stopped and visited with roger's mom until about 6:30, then we met Spencer and Somer at 7:00 and went to eat at Lita's Pizza.  That's where all the friends were waiting to surprise Roger.  Jamie and Kirk were late.  I had asked them to bring a Chocolate Satin Pie from Marie Calanders (Roger's favorite pie) to surprise roger.  Tyson was also late.  He witnessed a car accident on the way and had to fill out a police report.  He was stopped at a red light.  When the light turned green, he had a feeling not to go.  The car next to him went and he started to go, but the spirit told him to stop.  He stopped.  Just then a car ran the red light and smashed into the car that had been next to him and had gone when the light turned green.If he hadn't listened to the spirit and stopped, he would have been the one who got hit.
Besides Tyson's near accident on the way to the party, everything went great.  Roger kind of expected that his friends would be there, so he wasn't too surprised about that, but he was surprised that Jamie and Kirk and Tyson came.  He was also surprised by the pie they brought.  I really wanted roger to have a fun birthday.  He made my birthday so fun and special. I really wanted to return the favor.  After dinner, we went to a movie ('Spiderman') with his friends.  Then we went to his mom's house to sleep.  Here are the pictures and video I took while we were at Lita's Pizza.
We woke up around 7:00am to start helping his mom move her things out.  She sold her house and has to be out by May 31st (I think).  She is going to go on a mission.  She got called to serve in the Manchester, England mission.  She leaves for the MTC in August.  We are sad that she won't be here to see Alissa when she is born, but we are also very happy for her.  Anyway, all of the family came to help her move today.  Everybody worked hard all morning, then at noon, we had a barbecue (hot dogs, potato chips, and drinks).  After lunch, I brought out a cake that I had made for Roger. and we sang 'Happy Birthday'.  Roger blew out the candles then we ate cake and pie.  After that, Roger and I had to leave.  We had to be back so roger could go to work tonight.  He is the best husband.  I love him so much.  I'm so glad we get to spend eternity together.  Here are the pictures and video I took today.

 Here is my pregnant belly.
 And here is my handsome husband.

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