Monday, May 27, 2002

We're Going to St. George - May 27, 2002

Monday - May 27th
We are going to go to St. George tomorrow.  We had a very relaxing day.  We both slept until 1:30pm, then we just sat around and relaxed until Roger had to go to work.  After Roger left, I went over to Carol's (her husband works with Roger) and we laid out in the sun, read books, and talked.  She is just starting to read 'The Work and The Glory' series.  I'm on volume 9, but I decided to read something else.  I was in the mood for bear attack stories, so I read 'Death in Yellowstone'.  I came home from Carol's around 8:00pm because I needed to get somethings done before Roger and I leave tomorrow.  I started the laundry, ate some dinner, got in the shower, did my hair, then started packing.  Now I need to go to do the dishes and go to bed.
Roger called me around 9:00pm tonight.  One of the machines broke down and they couldn't fix it.  they weren't able to do any work because of the machine.  He said that if they couldn't get the machine fixed soon, they were going to send people home, so he might come home early.  He hasn't come home yet, so I'm guessing they got the machine fixed.  We plan to sleep until noon tomorrow, then wake up and go to my parent's house.

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