Friday, February 21, 2003

Missy's Birthday - February 21, 2003

Friday - February 21, 2003
Today is my sister Missy's birthday.  I called to wish her a happy birthday.  She is very depressed.  It makes me so sad to see her struggling and going through these hard times.  She feels like she messed her life up so bad and there is no way to fix it.  I hope that I can be a good sister and help her in anyway possible.  I just don't know what I can do for her besides being an example, talking to her, and giving her hope.  I love her so much and it hurts me so bad that she has to go through this.  I cry almost every time that I talk to her.  I'm so glad that I have roger that I can talk to about this and he can help me decide how to handle it and think of what we can do for her.  Roger is amazing and he helps me in so many ways.  I'm very blessed to have him.
Alissa is so cute!  She took a late nap today, so she wasn't tired at her regular bed time.  I just love watching Alissa learn and grow.
So here's what we did today:  We woke up at 4:00 am this morning and could not get back to sleep until 6:00 am, then we slept until 9:00 am.  I cleaned the house, put Alissa down for a nap, went jogging, ate, went shopping, came home and relaxed for a little bit, I called Missy, I cried, we went for a walk to cheer me up, the piano tuner guy called to say he will come on Monday, I made granola (I accidentally burned it), ate, Alissa napped then woke up and I fed her, then we all played and Alissa fell back asleep.  That was my day.
The piano tuner guy coming to tune the piano was my Valentine's Day gift from Roger.  I'm very excited about having the piano be tuned.  It will be so nice.  I'm so happy Roger is so thoughtful and did that for me.

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