Wednesday, April 7, 2004

A Rainy Day - April 7, 2004

Wednesday - April 7th

Kristy called.  She was upset because Kaylie jumped on her tummy and she was having pains.  She called a nurse and they told her to go to the hospital.  She didn't have a way to get there until 2:30 or 4:00pm.  Her belly got jumped on at 9:00am.  She was really worried.  I haven't heard from her yet to find out what happened.  There is so much to worry about when you are pregnant.

I know someone who lost their little baby today.  I am so sad for them.  I can't imagine how painful that must be.  Her little boy was born last week.  He had heart problems and they knew that he probably wouldn't survive.  They took the baby off of life support today.  She made some bad choices that lead to this.  She got pregnant by a married man.  He wanted her to get an abortion, because he didn't want his wife to find out.  He knew about a heart problem that runs in his family, but he refused to tell her anything about it.  If the doctors knew about his background they might have been able to save the baby.  But he didn't want her to have the baby, so he wouldn't give them any information.  It is a very sad situation.

I babysat Triston and Shayden today.  It was a rainy day, so we didn't get to play outside.
I was so tired all day.  I am not having an easy time sleeping.  I have had many sleepless nights lately.

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