Friday, April 2, 2004

I Fell Down the Stairs - April 2, 2004

Friday - April 2nd

I had a bad fall tonight.  It scared me really bad.  I was shaking for a long time after it happened.  I'm really worried about Parker.  I haven't felt a lot of movement from him since it happened.  I really hope he is okay.  I was holding Alissa and walking down the stairs.  I slipped, fell backwards, and slid the rest of the way down the stairs.  My back is still hurting me.  Alissa didn't get hurt because she was in my arms and she landed on top of me.  It just scared her.  We were hurrying down the stairs to answer the phone.  That fall really scared me.  I had a hard time not crying.  I wanted to cry so bad, but I knew it would scare Alissa even more, so I held it in.  I want to call Roger at work and tell him all about it, but I know if I talk to him, I'll just end up crying and then he'll be worried.

I babysat Shayden and Triston today.  Shayden was very busy getting into everything today.  Besides that, her and Alissa played really well together.  They are so cute.  I love watching them play.  They are funny.

Roger's been working a lot of overtime.  That's been rough.  He only has one day off this weekend (tomorrow night), then he has to work the next 6 nights.  We are going to take a vacation after that.  We are going to spend Easter in St. George.  We haven't been to St. George in a long time.  Every time we plan a trip, something happens and we have to cancel it.  I really hope that nothing comes up this time.  I vacation will be really nice.

Alissa and I went for a walk this evening.  We ended up over by the Merritt's house.  There were two teenagers working on a car.  They were pushing it into the driveway.  Alissa wanted to watch for a while.  When we turned and started to head for home, Jerian came out and asked us to come in.  She said that Shayden saw us outside and started saying, "Lissa, Lissa".  Then when we turned around to leave she started to cry.  she really wanted Alissa to come and play.  We stayed at the Merritt's house for about an hour.  Then we came home, ate dinner, cleaned the house, gave Alissa a bath, fell down the stairs, and went to bed.

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