Saturday, August 16, 2008

It's been a long time

It has been a long time since I've posted anything. I've just been a little moody and didn't feel like posting anything. I'm feeling normal and like myself again. So I will, hopefully, post a little more often. I've been working on some scrapbooking and decided to use that to update you on how we are doing.
Parker is finally potty trained!!!!!!! I thought it would never happen. He really did not want to use the toilet. We tried a lot of different things to get him excited about it, but nothing ever worked. I don't really know how we did it, but Parker finally decided that he wanted to be a big boy and use the toilet! I'm so happy!
Brinley is potty trainig also. I have not tried too hard with her, because I was so focused on getting Parker potty trained. Now I can work on getting Brinley potty trained. I think it will be a lot easier to convince Brinley that using the toilet is great. Here is a scrapbook page of Brinley potty training.

I didn't want to take Parker to church in his underpants, because I didn't want him to have an accident, so Alissa went to church with her friend. This page is of Alissa waiting for her ride to come and take her to church. She was looking so pretty and being so cute taking care of her little baby. She is a good little mommy.

This is Parker on that same morning, just playing with his ball. He didn't want me to take his picture, so he kept trying to move the ball in front of his face before I took the picture.

We went to Lagoon last week. it was a lot of fun. I wrote that we stopprd at laptop computers on our way. I need to fix that to say PC Laptops.

At Lagoon.

There are more lagoon pictures, I just haven't finished making the pages. I will post them when I'm done. The next pages are from Alissa's Birthday. I have a lot more pictures from that too. I will post those when they are finished also. I like to decorate the house with a lot of balloons. I stay up late the night before so when the kids wake up they are surprised. This year Alissa wanted to blow up her own balloons. It was nice to not have to blow up all those balloons.
A page for Parker's book.


  1. Jenny these are so cute! Can you scrapbook my life for me too? I will see you today!!! HORRAY!!!!!

  2. Jenny those are so stinkin cute!! Who knew you knew how to do digi scrap! Remember when you asked where I got my background, well now I know you can scrap, and that's how I did it. If you want the info let me know it's real easy.

  3. I can't believe Alissa is 6...and I hate potty training. Noah is so not that's fun. I love the scrapbook stuff, you will have to tell me how to do it, it is super cute!! Love your blog!! Can't wait to see you today, finally!!!

  4. Jenny you have done a great job putting all your family's memories together!! Your such a great mom and wife, I wished we lived closer so we could scrapbook toghether, all my family pictures are scattered everywere. You know what would be fun, if the Moser wives could get together once a year to scrapbook and aet junk food for a weekend!!
