Friday, February 18, 2011

Taking Apart Our Broken Space Heater - February 18, 2011

Friday - February 11, 2018
I had really weird dreams last night. At least I think they were dreams. Parker woke up around midnight and couldn't get back to sleep because his tooth was hurting. He has his back teeth coming in and it doesn't feel good. So I fell asleep and I'm pretty sure I was dreaming. I was dreaming that I was laying in bed and my legs and arms started to feel really funny (kind of like when your foot or something falls asleep and you move it to get it to wake up. It was a tingling kind of weird feeling like that). I was really uncomfortable and frustrated that I couldn't get my arms and legs to move like I wanted them too. Then Parker woke me up. the dream seemed like it was real, because I was laying in bed, but when Parker yelled for me, I didn't have any problems walking or getting out of bed. After that, I had a hard time getting back to sleep. As soon as I would start to dose off, Parker would yell for me again. I finally fell asleep around 2:30am and then I woke up at 5:00am with Roger, so I didn't get a lot of sleep last night at all. So right now, I've had very little sleep, I have a tooth ache, and a head ache (caused by the tooth ache). I'm pretty fussy today. I was also fussy yesterday for pretty much the same reasons.

Good Times! I can't wait for my dentist appointment on Tuesday.

Yesterday was a rough day.

I'm pretty sure that a cute little boy that I babysit has autism. His parents are just started to make appointments for him, to figure out if something is wrong. I don't know because I'm not an expert, he just reminds me a lot of other children that I know who have autism. For some reason, he was really fussy yesterday and there was nothing I could do to get him to calm down. When he plays with any kind of toy (he likes balls or opening and shutting doors on things) and things don't go exactly how he imagines that it should, he sits and screams. That was happening a lot yesterday. He kept rolling a ball down the stairs and it wouldn't land or go where he thought it would go. That makes him so mad!

Also, one of the parents that I tend for texted me a message asking "Did you ever find out what Alissa had?" I texted back that I didn't remember Alissa having anything. She replied that one day,last week, I had told her that Alissa woke Roger up with her coughing in the night. I replied, "Oh yeah. Alissa is fine she just had a cough for one or two nights, that was it." She responded that the reason she was asking is because now they are sick. Maybe it is just lack of sleep and this head ache, but the way she was hinting that we are the reason she is sick and she wants to know what we gave her, really irritated me! Why must people do that! What is the point of blaming someone for your sickness? does it really make you feel better to let someone know that you think they are the reason you are sick? Why? I would never purposefully get someone sick. I just think that it is stupid to place blame for something like that!

Yesterday, Parker was bored. He came up to me and said, "I have nobody to play with." I told him he could go rough house with his dad. He always thinks that is fun. But he said "no." Then Roger suggested that Parker could take apart our old broken heater. You should have seen Parker's eyes light up! He was so excited! Roger gave him some tools and he got right to work.
While Parker was downstairs taking apart the heater, Brinley and her friend, Mikenna, were in the living room playing some funny game that they made up. Before Parker had gotten bored he had built a tent in the living room and made the slide be the way to get into his tent. They are cute kids. It's fun to listen to them play. they come up with the funniest things.

When Alissa got home from her friends house, she saw what Parker was doing and was so excited to join in the fun. It was really funny how excited they got over this. every time they got a part out of it, Parker came running upstairs to show me what they had done.
 We are cat sitting for Roger's brother. Roger does not like cats. This cat loves Roger. I was worried about cat sitting, because I know how much Roger hates cats and I thought that he would be really fussy about everything and anything the cat does.
Cat sitting is going nothing like I thought it would. This cat loves Roger and doesn't care much for me. The cat follows Roger everywhere. I think it is so funny! 
Mikenna went home and Brinley wanted to help also.

The moon was really pretty tonight.  I tried to get a good picture of it, but I was unsuccessful. You can still see that it was beautiful from my attempts to take a good picture.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally with you when you say you hate when people toss blame for getting them sick! That is happening at my work right now. The office staff is blaming and picking on one girl just because she was the first one sick! It irritates me to no end! Germs are EVERYWHERE. Get over it people.
