Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Playing at Library Park - May 31, 2011

Tuesday - May 31st
It was such a nice day.  We all went to Shuman Park to play for a while today.  It was nice for Molly to run around a little and the kids love to play at that park, so it was fun for all of us.
Parker and Brinley are just too cute!  Here they are brushing their teeth to get ready for the day.  I just can't get enough of my cute children.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Pink Eye - May 27, 2011

Friday - May 27th
Roger got pink eye, so he didn't have to go to work!  Yay for no work!  Boo for having pink eye.  We had a nice relaxing night at home, besides the pink eye thing.  Here's a lovely picture of Roger's eye. His eye was pretty swollen. 
Alissa was practicing basketball today.  She was able to make some baskets, so she came in and asked me to come out and record her playing basketball.  So, I went outside and took a really long video of her shooting hoops.  Here's the video.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Roger's Birthday - May 25, 2011

Wednesday - May 25th
We woke up early to surprise Roger when he got home.  We usually are all asleep when he gets home, but for his birthday, we woke up early so we could jump out and yell surprise when he came in.  He didn't seem too surprised when we jumped out.  It's like he can read my mind.  I've never been able to surprise him.  Anyway, we had fun trying to surprise him.  Molly was really funny.  When we yelled surprise, we all had noise makers in our hands so we could make lots of noise.  While we were making lots of noise, Molly picked up a noise maker in her mouth and started making noise with us.  It was so cute.  This is the video of us surprising him.
After Roger went to bed, we sent Alissa off to school.  She was excited to go, because they were having a fun day and going to be playing in water.  Here is the video of Alissa.
After we surprised Roger, he went to bed.  He slept until like 4:30pm.  Grandma Moser and cousin Missy came to celebrate Roger's birthday with us.  He opened his gifts and we had pie.  He opened his big gift this morning.  It was a mini refrigerator for down stairs.  Here is the video of Roger opening his gifts and blowing out the candles on his pie.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Parker's Kindergarten Graduation - May 24, 2011

Tuesday - May 24th
Parker graduated from Kindergarten today!  It was a cute program.  He did a good job.  Here are the pictures and video.

 Roger's birthday is tomorrow, so after he left to work, the kids and I decorated the house so we could wake up and surprise him when he gets home.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Parker's 7th Birthday - May 19, 2011

Wednesday - May 18, 2011
I made Parker's birthday cake tonight and let him decorate it with some of the cute decorations I found at Walmart.  He did a good job.

Thursday - May 19, 2011
 It's Parker's Birthday!  I can't believe he is 7 years old already.  My little ones are growing way too fast.  Here are the decorations that Parker woke up to this morning.
 Parker had one friend that couldn't be here during the party, so he came early.  They had a lot of fun.  I let Parker open his gift and we had a little of the cake and ice cream before he left.  Of course, that meant when we sang to Parker during his party, the cake had already been cut into.  His friend gave him a slip n' slide similar to the one we already have.  We were excited about that, because we think it will be fun to set them next to each other and have races.

I let Parker open up one of his gifts while he was waiting for his friend to arrive for his party.  We bought him a boomerang.  The kids had fun playing in the front yard with it.  Just before Parker's friends started to arrive, they lost the boomerang on top of the house.  They were all pretty sad about that. 

  Parker's party started at 3:00 pm.  He had a lot of friend's from school come over and our friends from the neighborhood, Erin and Ben.  I took all the kids over to the school playground to play and burn up a lot of their energy.  Then we came back to our house to open gifts and have cake and ice cream before their parents came to pick them up.  Parker had fun at his party, but he had a hard time dealing with all of the loud craziness.  He loved seeing his friends, he just was overwhelmed with trying to play with all of them.  He just gets overwhelmed when things get too loud and crazy.

 After the party, we took the kids to McDonald's for Parker's Birthday dinner.  They love McDonald's  Mostly for the play area.  They all had fun.

When we got home, we took Parker's new remote control car out in the front yard to try it out.  Parker loves all his new gifts.  It was a good day.  Parker had a really good happy birthday.  Here is all the videos that I took today.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Molly Wearing Sunglasses and Cat Sitting - May 16, 2011

Monday - May 16th
Alissa took the camera and tried to get a good video of Molly wearing sunglasses.  She kept getting the glasses on her, but by the time she turned the camera toward her, the glasses would fall off.  Eventually Parker came in and held the camera so they could get a video of her before the glasses fell off.  Alissa wanted to make sure she got it, so she had Brinley record a video while she put the glasses on Molly again.
After playing with Molly, Alissa decided to take the camera downstairs, where I was ironing some of Roger's shirt and the cat was resting on a chair.  We are babysitting Tyler and Melissa's cat, because Melissa is pregnant and they are worried about her being around the cat.  This cat is funny.  Roger hates cats, but this cat loves him.  The cat cannot get enough of Roger time.  It makes me laugh.  Roger is nice and takes really good care of the cat.  I just think it is funny, since Roger has always been so adamant about his hatred of cats.  Here are the pictures that Alissa took when they were playing with the cat.  Here are the 3 videos that Alissa took: One, two, and three.  And this is the cat video.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Swimming at Willard Bay - May 14, 2011

Saturday - May 14th
We went swimming at Willard Bay for the first time today.  The kids had fun.  I think the water was really yucky, but it didn't bother the kids.  So, that's good.  Right?  Anyway.  It was just something we needed to experience.  The rocks and everything on the shore hurt our feet and made it difficult to enjoy ourselves.  Next time we will remember to bring water shoes.  I only took one really short video while we were there.  You can watch the video Here.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sitting Around The Fire - May 13, 2011

Friday - May 13th
We decided to go out adventuring.  We went to the mountains to find a nice place to have a fire.  It is so fun to have a dog to take out to play with us.  It makes everything better.  We especially love having Missy with us.  Everything is much more fun when Missy is around.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Missy VanBibber Came to Visit - May 10, 2011

Tuesday - May 10th
Missy VanBibber came to visit and stay for a while!  We love it when she gets to come and play!  I let the kids take the camera to take pictures and videos.  They took more videos than they did pictures.  Here are a few of the pictures they took today.  When Missy first gets here, we are always so excited to see her and we all crowd around her.  It's probably really overwhelming for her.  It's just that we are all so excited to see her.  She is a fun person to be around.  Now that we have Molly, she not only has to deal with us crowding her, she gets to deal with a dog jumping up on her.  When things calmed down a little the kids took some pictures of Missy playing with Molly.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Muddy Children and Dog - May 8, 2011

Sunday - May 8th
After church, our two little stinkers went outside in the backyard to play.  They ignored my telling them to change their clothes first.  Apparently there was lots of mud outside.  Molly was covered in mud also.  We had to give the kids and the dog a shower before I could let them run through the house.  It was funny to watch Molly dry off.  She is a very entertaining dog.  Here is a short video of my muddy children and here is a video of Molly drying off.  This was taken after she had already done her super crazy running around everywhere drying off.
 Molly was tired after all their fun playing outside and her shower.  I love how she thinks she is small enough to climb up and rest on everybody.  This is her favorite way to cuddle with people sitting on the couch.  I love it!  She is a funny dog.