Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Kids Made Cookies - March 10, 2012

Saturday - March 10, 2012
We will be moving on the sixteenth and seventeenth!  I'm so excited!  I can't wait to have a dishwasher again.  I really dislike washing dishes by hand.  It's miserable.  I'm also looking forward to having more room.
Packing is stressful and a lot of work.  It is really hard to pack, take care of your family, and keep a clean house.  So, in all of my pictures, you can see that the house is not very clean, but I am doing my best.  The kids wanted cookies really bad, but I was busy packing.  I told them how to make them all by themselves.  They all team worked and these are the cookies they created.  They were so excited to be making the cookies all by themselves.  When they started to put the cookies on the cookie sheet, they got the brilliant idea to make one cookie sheet have extra large cookies on it.  They were excited about the thought of having a cookie that takes up their whole plate.

 I had cleared most of the small stuff out of the living room.  We needed a place to store the boxes after I packed stuff in them, so we moved the kids' mattresses into the living room and I'm using their rooms for all the boxes.  The kids love sleeping in the living room, so they had no problem with this move.  Parker and Brin love jumping on their beds when it is like this.  Their mattresses are in really bad shape because of this.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I'm addicted to Pinterest!  My sister Missy told me about it and suggested that I check it out.  I can't get enough of it!  I've gotten so many great ideas and I have a ton of craft projects I would like to do.  The kids and I have had fun trying different activities we've gotten off of Pinterest.  I think Pinterest is going to be life changing for me.  I love to play and have fun with the kids.  With the help of Pinterest I have an endless amount of fun ides to do with them and on top of that I have a zillion crafts, recipes, and things I love that I can't wait to try out.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Church Playground - March 4, 2012

Sunday - March 4, 2012
The kids always want to play on the playground for a little bit after church.  I have a really hard time telling them no, since we don't usually have anything going on or any reason to hurry home after church.  Alissa was being really goofy, then she hurt her leg, so she came up really close to the camera for me to take a picture of it.

Friday, March 2, 2012

More Snow - March 2, 2012

Friday - March 2, 2012
I love how everything looks covered in the snow and I want to take pictures so we don't forget what it was like living here.  We will be moving in the middle of the month.  We are sooooo..... excited!  We will be moving to a house on the south side of Tremonton.  We realized that living in this much smaller house with lower rent really wasn't saving us money.  Rent was cheap, but our utility bill was through the roof.  Also we spent more money on gas, since everything is so far away.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Playing in the Snow While Waiting for the Bus - March 1, 2012

Thursday - March 1, 2012
We have not gotten very much snow this year.  It's been kind of a bummer, but also a blessing, since snow blows in through the door at this house.  It is an old house and the door does not seal well.  It's also a blessing because I started going to school at Steven's Henegar College in Logan and I really don't like to drive in the snow.  Especially in our tiny little old beat up car that doesn't handle the snow very well. 
The neighbor's dog came out to join us while we were playing.  The neighbor's dog is fun and it makes us miss our dog, Mollie.

I've started taking a CNA course at Steven Henagers College.  It keeps me busy.  I've been a stay-at-home mommy for the last 10 years.  I love being a homemaker and I love having little ones at home.  The sad thing is that my little ones are growing up.  They are all in school now and that is just CRAZY!  I can't believe how fast they are growing up.
Lately I have felt a real urgency to get started on my education.  Now that the kids are all in school, it's time!
I've been praying about this for years and I have decided that nursing is what I will go in to.  My goal is to become a nurse anesthetist.  I've got a long way to go.  I will finish my CNA course the first week of May.  I've turned in my application at Utah State University.  I'm hoping to start school in the Fall.  I'm excited to get going on it all.