Friday, February 22, 2013

Picking the kids up from School - February 21 - 22, 2013

Thursday -February 21, 2013
I just realized that I have a nice phone that takes really good pictures and videos.  I'm not used to having that, so I forget to use it.  While I was sitting and waiting to get the kids, I remembered!  So, I pulled it out and took some pictures and videos to document what it is like getting the kids from school.

 We stopped to visit the Beverlys.  It was Ben's  birthday.  They invited us in and shared cupcakes with us.  We didn't stay for too long, since we didn't want to be in the way.  If you can't tell, I'm all about selfies lately, since my new phone lets me turn the camera view, so I can see myself while I'm taking the picture.

Friday - February 22, 2013
More pictures from picking the kids up from school.
 Here we are just chillin' at home.  I made some new pictures.  I got creative and made our last name using a bunch of pictures.  I like how it turned out.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Brinley and Mikenna - February 19, 2013

Tuesday - February 19, 2013
My friend Heather and her little ones came for a visit.  Brinley and Mikenna play dress up pretty much every time they get together.  This time they did their make-up all pretty as well.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

We bought a new couch - February 16, 2013

Our couches were falling apart and we didn't think they would survive another move, so we had decided that we would start couch shopping.  We went to a store in Logan a few days before this and found a couch that we thought would be nice, but we decided to think about it for a while before making our purchase. 
It was a Saturday night and Roger and I had found a babysitter so we could finally go on a date.  We decided to go out to eat then go see a movie.  We went to eat at the Chinese Buffet in Brigham (Roger's choice - I hate Chinese food) then we were going to go to a movie of my choosing (Roger and I do not like the same movies).  We had some time to kill after dinner before our movie started.  I told roger that I had thought I heard that there was a furniture store in Brigham City, but I wasn't sure.  Roger did a search and we found one.  We thought it would be a tiny store and there wouldn't be much to see.  We were definitely wrong.  The store is called The Room Loft and it is part of the old Indian School.  It is a very large store.  They had so much to see and the prices were pretty good.  They also had an antique area.  I could spend so much time in that store.  It was fun.
A lady saw us wandering and asked if she could help us.  We told her we were looking for a couch.  She showed us a few before we were able to explain what it was we were really looking for in a couch.  She said that she knew just the couch for us.  It was love at first sight!  I am so excited to finally have some furniture that we got to choose.  Hand-me-downs are nice and have been such a lifesaver, but it is really exciting  and fun to go out and pick what you want.  So here it is.  It will be delivered shortly before we move.
Also, I think I forgot to announce anywhere on my blog that we are moving.  The people who owned this house were wanting to raise the rent.  We knew that they really wanted to sell it and we wanted to live somewhere that we felt we could stay for as long as we want.  So we decided to move.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

The kids all had a good day at school.  They love Valentine's Day.  Alissa was a little disappointed, but she had expected that she would be.  She knew that her teacher wasn't going to really let them celebrate Valentine's Day.  5 - 10 minutes before the bell rang, he let them hurry and hand out their Valentines.  They all came home with lots of fun and yummy treats from their classmates.  Alissa wanted to deliver the cookies that she had decorated to all of her friends.  Parker went with Alissa.  They had a lot of fun.

 Brinley didn't go with them to deliver the valentine's cookies because she was feeling sick.  Her little sad face is cute.  Makes you just want to hold her and give her lots of big hugs.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Brinley Lost a Tooth and Valentine Cookies - February 13, 2013

We all had a dentist appointment today.  The dentist that we go to is in Ogden, so I schedule our regular check up appointments on the same day, so we won't have to drive to Ogden a bunch of different times.  Brinley really doesn't like the dentist.  She did pretty well though.  The dentists noticed that one of her teeth was loose.  He told her it was really loose and looking like it was ready to fall out.  She doesn't like loose teeth.  She is terrified that it will fall out while she is eating and she will swallow it.  (Side note- it is probably because when she was panicking about her first loose tooth.  she was terrified that it was going to hurt when it fell out. So we told her that it didn't hurt and sometimes people don't even feel it.  Then Roger shared a story about a friend of his that ended up swallowing his tooth and we thought that was funny and kind of crazy.  She started to cry as soon as we finished the story.  then we had to try and convince her that nothing bad happened to the friend that swallowed the tooth.)  So after she was finished seeing the dentist she showed me her loose tooth and started crying.  She wanted it out.  I tried to convince her not to worry about it, but she just couldn't relax.  So I gave her a tissue and told her to try and pull it out.  She didn't like that idea, but after crying a little more, she decided she had no other choice.  So she tried to pull it out.  Thankfully, it came right out on her first try.  She is so funny after she looses a tooth. She is happy and smiling and shaking, because she was so scared.
Brinley insisted that I take a picture of her with her newly missing tooth, then she wanted a picture of her and Parker's bouncy ball. 
Alissa was watching some old home videos of her and her little friend, Shayden, decorating heart sugar cookies.  She noticed the date the video was taken, was February 13, 2006.  She thought it would be so cool to take a video of her decorating cookies on the same day, so many years later.  We should have called and invited Shayden over, to reenact the video, but I was too lazy.  So we made a video and I took some pictures of the kids making sugar cookies.  This time Parker and Brinley were old enough to decorate also.
Here are pictures of Alissa and Shayden decorating their cookies.

 Here are the pictures of Alissa, Parker, and Brinley 7 years later decorating cookies on the same day.

 We made half of the cookies in a heart shape and the other half, however we wanted, then we decorated them with the Halloween sprinkles to make sure we wouldn't run out of the Valentine sprinkles for the heart cookies.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A hole in the ceiling - February 12th

Our ceiling started to leak.  The owners thought it had something to do with the swamp cooler, since the swamp cooler had leaked and caused a hole in that spot of the roof once before.  They kept asking us to go and make sure the water to the swamp cooler was turned off.  Of course, it was. Anyway, the landlord thought that it had something to do with the way the house was built and the heavy snowfall we had had.  She cut a hole in the ceiling to try and figure it out.  It was determined that there was nothing that they could do until the snow melted.  So we got to enjoy this lovely hole for the remainder of our time in this house.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Alissa's First Crochet Hat - February 10, 2013

Alissa made herself a hat.  She was so excited that she could actually crochet something like that.  She did an excellent job and she looks super cute in it.  She's sad that they won't let them wear hats to school.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

CTR Cake and just chillin'- February 2 and 5, 2013

Saturday - February 2, 2014
I made this cake for a nice family in our ward.

Tuesday - February 5, 2014
We were messing around with the camera on my phone.  I guess we were just bored.