Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Independence Day!

Saturday - July 4th
The fourth of July was different this year.  Because of the extreme fire conditions and a wind storm that was supposed to blow in tonight, they canceled all fireworks in the Flathead valley.  All professional and City Firework shows were canceled.  There were no fire works any where.  It was really weird to drive around tonight and not see any fireworks anywhere.  It was dark and quiet outside.  Roger and I went to the store to pick up some travel food and nobody was out and about.  It was really weird.
The first half of the day felt like a holiday.  We ate breakfast then hurried up the North Fork to watch the Polebridge parade.  We got there right before it started.  I like the Polebridge parade.  It is always goofy and unique.  I was surprised at how many people come and set up tents along the road.  The parade is really short and it is just anybody who wants to be n it, can join in.  It is usually a very short parade, but it is fun.

When it was over, Anastasia was like, "That's it?"  "We came all this way for that?"  She was very unimpressed with the parade.  She thought it was weird.  She was confused at why all these people came from all over to see this. It was funny to see her reaction.

After the parade, we decided to go spend the rest of the day at Bowman Lake.  We were afraid that it was going to be super crowded.  It was more crowded than I've ever seen it, but it wasn't that bad.  We had a nice relaxing time.  The people that were sitting around us were all very friendly and we had a lot of nice conversation.  There was a girl Brinley's age, that played with her for a little while and a little boy that followed Parker around for a little bit.

I swam with the kids for a little while today.  I remembered there is a bridge around the corner from where we were playing.  I wondered if we could get there by walking close to the shore, through the water.  The rocks got slimier and more slippery as we went.  We weren't able to make it over there, because of how slippery it was and the fact that I had to use the bathroom, so we had turn around and head back quickly.
 There was a cool looking spider web on a branch that we passed.  I just about grabbed a hold of that branch before I noticed it.

Later, when we were all packed up and ready to go, we took a short walk on the hiking trail that leads to the bridge.

I took a few pictures of us relaxing at Grandma's.  I don't take very many pictures while we are in the house and I think I should, because one day, I won't be able to anymore.

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