Monday, May 13, 2013

Hyrum State Park - May 13, 2013

We decided to go experience Hyrum state Park.  We loved it!  We had so much fun playing in the water.  The water was really cold!  I knew the kids would play in it anyway, but I didn't think they would get all the way in.  When they first got in, Alissa and Brinley both ended up falling, so they accidentally got all the way in.  They got used to it pretty quickly.  The water looked like so much fun and I couldn't resist getting in with the kids.  It was soooooo...... cold!  It took me a long time to get all the way in, but I did it.  Alissa and I had a fun time playing make believe games.  We played like we were mermaids then crocodiles.  When we were mermaids we ran while we swam so it seemed like we were super fast swimmers.  As crocodiles we crept slowly toward Parker and tried to get him.  He ran away every time.  He thought it was lots of fun, until he was backing away from us, tripped on a rock, and fell in the water.  He was a little mad about that, but it was funny!
Roger was enjoying relaxing in the sun and didn't want to come in the water with us.  Brinley only played in the water for a little while before she decided that sitting in the sun was nicer.
Also, I love Mendon, Utah.  I really need to live there.  It is so beautiful!  As soon as our lease is up, that is where I plan to look for a place to live.  If I can't find a place there, we will try out Wellsville until we can get a place in Mendon.  I drove through there once in 2004 and fell in love with it.  I spent a lot of time talking with Roger and dreaming about moving there.  We were all settled in our house at the time, so there was no hope of moving anytime soon.  Eventually, I stopped thinking about it.  I had nearly forgotten when Roger mentioned that we would be going through Mendon.  He remembered how I had talked so much about it, so he was interested to finally see it.  As soon as I saw it, I had that overwhelming feeling again.  I love Mendon!  I need to live there!  I love the scenery all around it.  It is the perfect small town.  I went home and did some research on it.  They have a population of 2000.  On their town website, they have a collection of stories, from the towns past.  It is so fun to read and makes me love Mendon even more.  I can't wait to live there!


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