Sunday, May 1, 2016

Retirement Party - May 1, 2016

Sunday - May1st

We went to Roger's mom retirement party after church today.  Apparently the party started earlier than the time we were told to be there.  We were told the party starts at 4:30.  When we got there, everybody had been there for a while and they had already jumped out and surprised Roger's mom.  Everybody we spoke to said, "You're late."  So, that wasn't cool.  Not fun to be invited to come late to a party.  Especially when you have to drive 2 hours to get there.  I think if your asked to come all this way for a party and you say you'll go, the person inviting you should at least let you know that you've been invited to miss the main event of the party.  Anyway, Roger's mom is excited to be retired.  I hope she has lots of fun.

Cindi asked us all to learn a funny dance, so we could surprise Joyce with a dance.  The video link she sent us to show us the dance, didn't explain what the dance was at all.  So, I searched for an instructional video to teach the kids the move.  The guy in the video Cindi sent did the move and added a whole bunch of other moves.  So, I wondered what dance move everybody would be trying to do.  It was funny practicing the dance with the kids.  I knew I probably wouldn't get up and try the dance at all, but I learned it anyway.
This is the video I recorded of everybody doing the dance.

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