Sunday, August 13, 2017

Alissa's Birthday - August 13, 2017

Sunday - August 13th

Alissa turned 15 years old today. It's crazy how fast she is growing up. We had a nice relaxing day at home today. I started up late last night, decorating the house. I like to have the house decorated, so it makes the whole day feel like a party. I was watching a show while I decorated and I think it allowed me down a little. I didn't end up going to bed until 3am.
I slept in until 9am. That was nice. All the kids were awake when I climbed out of bed. I have Alissa a hug and told her happy birthday, then I got ready for the day. After that, I got busy making birthday cakes and icing. We all decided to decorate our own cakes. It was fun. I recorded it so, so I can make a time lapse video.

Grandma came over, we talked while kids played video games. Then we sang Happy birthday, and are out cake and ice cream. Roger's mom headed home shortly after that. She called right after she left, to tell Roger the mountain by us is on fire.
Alissa, Roger, forest, and I walked to see it. It wasn't too exciting, but it was a nice walk. After that we came home and relaxed. 

I took a lot more videos than I did pictures.
I'm struggling to stay awake right now. I'm so so very tired.
Grandma Mathison is really not doing well. She is going to pass away soon. I'm so sad to not have her here anymore, but I know she will be super Happy to be reunited with friends and family on the other side.
I know this is a weird way to end this post, but that's what happens when your brain is too tired.

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