Friday, September 1, 2017

Football Game - September 1, 2017

Friday - September 1st

Alissa got to perform at her first football game.  This was also the first football game she ever attended, so that's fun.  Their costumes were 80's clothes.  So, we did Alissa's hair all 80's.  She looks really cute.

They performed the school song at the beginning, then did a routine during half time.  I forgot to bring cash, so we didn't get in and sat down in time to watch them perform them school song.  Brinley and I were standing outside the gates and the color guard had their backs to us, so we got to see their performance standing behind them and through a gate.  I felt bad for not being prepared.  We had to go back to the truck and get some money so we could get in and be there for half time.  Brinley and I went to Kents and bought us each some candy, so we could get cash back and watch the game.  It was a bummer coming late, because we had a hard time finding a place to sit.  We found seats and were able to record her performance.  I hadn't realized that Brinley had been recording most of what had been happening.  She's funny.  She kept recording while we were getting to the game and dealing with the needing cash situation.  I will get those videos uploaded eventually.  They are on the other phone.  Here's 3 videos that Brinley took of the performances.  She recorded all of the groups that performed and then the battery died on the phone she was using, so she didn't record the color guard performing.  But I recorded that, so we're good.  I had brought my good camera, so I could zoom in and get some good pictures of Alissa, but when I pulled it out, I realized the battery was dead.  I was bummed about that. 

It looks like she got part of the color guard performance recorded before the phone died.
Their coach took some pictures of them before the performance.  They changed costumes after they performed the school song.

 After the game, we came home and chillaxed.

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