Sunday, February 24, 2019

Alissa Enjoying Her New Found Freedom - February 24, 2019

Sunday - February 24th

This afternoon, Alissa was feeling bored and she didn't want to sit at home all day.  So, she invited anybody who wanted to go with her to go on an adventure.  She wasn't sure what she was going to do.  All she knew is that she wanted to drive somewhere.  Somewhere busy (Ogden or Logan) and maybe walk around the mall or something like that.  That didn't sound very fun to me and I needed to finish gathering some stuff for our taxes, so I didn't go.  Roger was asleep still, because he has to work tonight.  Parker was playing video games with his friend, Damien.  So, that just left Brinley and Alissa.  They went to Ogden to see if they could watch people doing the I-Fly thing or people surfing.  They weren't sure where the I-Fly thing was and they were too cold standing outside watching the surfing thing.  So, they called me and asked what other ideas I had for them to do.  They decided that they would just drive over to the mall and walk around for a little while.
About 10 minutes after that conversation, Alissa called me ans said they had a better idea.  They were going to drive to Salt Lake to hang out with their cousin, Hannah.  It was around 3 Pm.  I worried that they would be frustrated because they wouldn't have a lot of time.  Alissa pointed out that they were already half way to Salt Lake.  So, I agreed that they could go if they wanted to.  They just needed to head home at a reasonable time.  They were short on money, but Hannah had offered to pay for their gas if they came.  They were so excited!  When I talked to them after they got to Salt Lake, they told me that they were at my sister, Missy's house.  Hannah and Mckayla met them there.  They had so much fun hanging out, eating pizza, and playing the Nintendo Switch.  Alissa was so happy they had been able to go and do that.  I'm so glad that they had fun and they were safe.  It was really hard for me to not say anything and just let them go out and about on their own like that.  It is so crazy how grown up they are getting!  It's exciting and scary and hard for me to except.  I love my kiddos so much.  I really hope that I have taught them well enough so that they will all have the best and happiest lives.  It's hard to be at this stage where they are starting to be away from me more and they are out doing their own things.  It's also nice for me to have more freedom to go and do want I want without having to worry about what I'll do with the kids.  It's just different and change is hard.  I have so many mixed and crazy emotions about it all.  Life is just fun like that I guess.  My kiddos are just growing up.

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