Monday, July 14, 2008


Here is a fun little game... leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time or a long time, anything that you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It is pretty funny to read the responses. On your mark... get set... blog those memories!

I have so many memories to share. It is hard to pick just one. I'm going to tell you about a memory that I have with my sister, Missy. I got rear ended at the grocery store. Missy and I had just finished shopping and went to wait in a line at the cash register. We were talking while we waited for our turn. Missy was standing backward in the line so she was facing me. I was telling Missy something, when she started to make a face. I ignored the face she was making and continued talking. I was in the middle of a sentence when SLAM!! A shopping cart ran right into my backside and sent me flying into Missy. I turned around to see an old guy recovering his shopping cart. His face was bright red and he apologized a few times. I told him I was ok and not to worry about it. When we got in the car Missy told me, "I'm so sorry Jenny. I saw him coming at you and I thought he was going way too fast, and I didn't think he was going to be able to stop in time. I just didn't know what to do. It just seemed so weird. I didn't think he would really run into you. It was like watching a car accident." Those aren't the exact words that Missy used, that's just what my brain remembers her telling me. I thought it was really funny.


  1. It's great to hear you tell memories because I can hear you laughing. Like you I remember all the ones you remembered except Mindi. That was funny. To this day "Ghost in the graveyard" is the best my children will know that one. I still have tons of piano music that you copied from me I thought it was the best! You were so cool because you would always straighten my hair after it had taken you forever to do yours! Man we had lots of fun time huh. Oh ya how can I forget Ramen noodles!!

  2. Hey there Jenny!!
    This is Shannon, your long lost friend! So, you left me a voice message awhile back, and I wrote it down to call you but then I lost the paper with your number! Gasp! So I feel that you should call me cause I really want to help plan Missy's shower, or at least be there! I also missed the gathering you all had cause I was having dinner at a friends. I'm so lame! I'm glad I found your blog though!

    My memory I have of you is going to your house when I was younger and you and all of your friends putting on fake fingernails together! I think it was you that got the nail glue in your eye...sad times!

    Miss you! Call me sometime!

  3. Hi Jenny, it' Teresa your old sister in law, my best memory of you is your love for ice cream it almost rates up their with black olives in the Moser family.

  4. Jenny, I missed you at Janea's bbq!! I was so hoping to see you , it has been too long, I must call you and get back in touch with you. I have lots of memories, the one that always sticks out is our dinner at the maddox and the day after, YIKES, also going to slcc to our speech class and getting in that car accident on the way to school...good times. Well I miss you give me a call or message me. You are a sweetie, love all the pix of your fam!!

  5. The shopping cart was the best. We had tons of good times together! My favorite memory of you is at Grandma Bone's house. You had just gotten out of the shower and laid down to go to bed. Well your wet hair wrapped itself around the headboard of the bed. I remember you trying to sit up and freaking out because you thought someone under the bed had your hair. I have never see you so scared! Of course we all laughed at your expense!

  6. Those were the good 'ol days visiting in Salt Lake. My most vivid memories are of the haunted lane. That dvd game murderer in the dark...or was that a different game? Anways all of them were fun! I also remember the time you guys had a golf cart and we'd drive it around the church parking lot.
